that cover looks tight, whos on the production?
GHP Sicc OG Apr 30, 2005 #21 Jul 21, 2002 16,280 852 113 45 Apr 30, 2005 #21 GHP Apr 30, 2005 that cover looks tight, whos on the production?
Y YOUNG BREW Sicc OG May 1, 2005 #22 Apr 25, 2002 10,020 551 0 May 1, 2005 #22 Y YOUNG BREW May 1, 2005 thats whats up..clean lookin forward to hearin this
T tdogg707 Sicc OG May 2, 2005 #23 Oct 23, 2004 339 1 0 38 May 2, 2005 #23 T tdogg707 May 2, 2005 Is this He Got Game, or another album?
M Matai Sicc OG May 3, 2005 #24 Dec 15, 2002 1,360 6 0 44 May 3, 2005 #24 M Matai May 3, 2005 Yeah dawg who did the cover?