Find and watch these films Nikola Tesla - The Genius Who Lit The World
Holes In Heaven HAARP And Advances In Tesla Technology
Tesla Master of Lightning
Tesla is the man behind everything we practically use to this day. Without alternating currents we wouldnt have shit. he never got much credit. He been had the concept of controlling the weather,and they are using his shit now. It aint nothin fake about it,all of this shit is public information. Even making earthquakes. he figured all that shit out
the shit really cant be argued when you have officials that has already said they can fuck with the weather using HAARP. The united states is not the only country with this technology either. However we have the largest and most powerful one.
they shoot microwave beams in the atmosphere to fuck with the weather, when they aim it at the ground,it causes earthquakes.
The same shit can be used to fuck with your head (mind control)
Do your homework on Nikola Tesla. watch is autobiographies. this shit is public information. Mass majority call it fake,shit is very much so real. im not forcing yal to believe anything u do not want to believe,but to not believe it is just retarded.
the shit really cant be argued when you have officials that has already said they can fuck with the weather using HAARP. The united states is not the only country with this technology either. However we have the largest and most powerful one.
Nikola Tesla - The Genius Who Lit The World
Holes In Heaven HAARP And Advances In Tesla Technology
Tesla Master of Lightning or .com forgot what it was. download the torrents if u not gon buy it.
This shit is public info,just like how he caused a small earthquake in new york fucking with his invention that almost brought down a few buildings. ALL PUBLIC INFO
they have a muesuem dedicated to this man,this shit is far from fake. without tesla,we wouldnt have good electricity,computers,tv,spark plugs to start your car. hella shit. all i said was to find out for yourself.
DC current was more dangerous before tesla came along. nothing he made has failed. everybody thought he was just a fucking weirdo,on top of robbing him of all his ideas and making billions off of his patents and getting his lab burnt down and hit by a car. they really hated this nigga
According to Naiditch, HAARP is an attractive target for conspiracy theorists because "its purpose seems deeply mysterious to the scientifically uninformed"
HAARP is a scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere, with particular emphasis on being able to understand and use it to enhance communications and surveillance systems for both civilian and defense purposes.
The HAARP program is committed to developing a world class ionospheric research facility consisting of:
The Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI), a high power transmitter facility operating in the High Frequency (HF) range. The IRI will be used to temporarily excite a limited area of the ionosphere for scientific study.
A sophisticated suite of scientific (or diagnostic) instruments that will be used to observe the physical processes that occur in the excited region.
Observation of the processes resulting from the use of the IRI in a controlled manner will allow scientists to better understand processes that occur continuously under the natural stimulation of the sun.
Scientific instruments installed at the HAARP Observatory will be useful for a variety of continuing research efforts which do not involve the use of the IRI but are strictly passive. Among these studies include ionospheric characterization using satellite beacons, telescopic observation of the fine structure in the aurora, and documentation of long-term variations in the ozone layer.
Also see:
A more detailed Overview of the HAARP Program
The Value and Importance of Ionospheric Research
More detailed Fact Sheet
Purpose as discussed in the EIS
Frequently Asked Questons
Current Facility Status