V Viet Loc Sicc OG May 11, 2002 #1 Apr 25, 2002 1,255 5 38 41 vanscollection.bravehost.com May 11, 2002 #1 V Viet Loc May 11, 2002 sup, i need opinions on J-Mack - Crime Rate. who got it for sale?? get at me....
G Grim Sicc OG May 12, 2002 #2 Apr 25, 2002 3,177 4 0 45 www.grim64131.freeservers.com May 12, 2002 #2 G Grim May 12, 2002 very tight 9 track EP that Get Low put out....all the songs are tight. very tight production
J J-Scratch Sicc OG May 13, 2002 #3 Apr 25, 2002 883 0 0 46 May 13, 2002 #3 J J-Scratch May 13, 2002 Crime rate. I got one for sale. [email protected]
V Viet Loc Sicc OG May 13, 2002 #4 Apr 25, 2002 1,255 5 38 41 vanscollection.bravehost.com May 13, 2002 #4 V Viet Loc May 13, 2002 check your email mayne
M M-1 Sicc OG May 13, 2002 #5 Apr 25, 2002 3,924 10 0 43 May 13, 2002 #5 M M-1 May 13, 2002 I didn't think it was all that tight...few coo songs....did Crime Rate 2002 ever drop? I never saw it around.
I didn't think it was all that tight...few coo songs....did Crime Rate 2002 ever drop? I never saw it around.
C C.O.L.A. Sicc OG May 14, 2002 #6 May 2, 2002 310 0 0 45 www.StreetLevelRecords.com May 14, 2002 #6 C C.O.L.A. May 14, 2002 "Crima Rate" is a filthy album J-macks best in fact "3weelin in tre on hot sunny day" oh boy!!! i still beat that Cd out to this day... I wonder how he got with Get Low??? why dont he fuck wit them any more?????
"Crima Rate" is a filthy album J-macks best in fact "3weelin in tre on hot sunny day" oh boy!!! i still beat that Cd out to this day... I wonder how he got with Get Low??? why dont he fuck wit them any more?????
L lexluther20 Sicc OG May 14, 2002 #7 Apr 25, 2002 382 2 0 53 May 14, 2002 #7 L lexluther20 May 14, 2002 can anyone post up a tracklisting for this cd, thanks!
S suspect#1 Sicc OG May 18, 2002 #8 Apr 25, 2002 3,557 454 0 45 May 18, 2002 #8 S suspect#1 May 18, 2002 it wasnt actully an officoal get low realese i think he just recorded it in there studio...it wasnt get low but staright out the labb entertainment
it wasnt actully an officoal get low realese i think he just recorded it in there studio...it wasnt get low but staright out the labb entertainment