"And people, don't be dicks like on Ebay and wait until the last second to outbid the leaders by $1. If you have an interest in a CD, show it early so the other person knows someone else wants it. That shit pisses me off where I am leading an auction for a whole week and then all of a sudden lose it by 50 cents in the last 30 seconds because I can't be sitting at my computer at the last minute when the auction ends."
You say this then you turn around and do the same thing you said you hated while watching the board like a fat kid waiting for cake. I placed 90% of my bids through email because I was placing so many. It wasn’t being shady. That’s all I need to say with regard to your character.
Dude, I Upped 4 previous bids at the last second because they were the 4 cds I really wanted.I think I woulda won them anyway or atleast tied, BUT I wanted them so I went after them. Thats what you do when you want something. I was not tryin to screw you or anyone, it is what it is. I was actually cool about it with OGMS- here is part of my email I sent to him after the confusion-
"If you want to give dame and calhoun to this guy so he don’t cry that’s fine,. Not a big deal. I just don’t want to see people get all irate and start bitching."
I was going to let you have it at your bid until you started acting like a two year old, so then I said the hell with it and told him I wanted Dame you could have the other one. There is no point in name calling, its not personal I dont care enough to make it that way. So here is what Ill do, put up or shut up time- Offer him for 40 for the cd and you can have it. If not ill keep it, I was not trying to stab you in the back,so you can have it if you want it that bad. Good Day