me and gas had a homey that moved down here from Modesto we called Sasquatch. big Shane T if anyone knows him..
anyway. that guy was a master at that shit. he owned fast food restaurants and he raided any store like Eckerds that would put shit out in front of the store.. we had mad patio furniture, bird baths, statues... whatever the fuck
edit: i didnt see gas had posted. haha same dude though
nigga pan handled for tall cans. but not just himself. hed get you a couple too if you was with him.
sasquach was a true survivalist.
only sasquach could go pick up some fucking shrooms and take off to las vegas permanently, while leaving every single thing he owned (which was a few mac mall albums and 3 jerseys)
if i remember correctly we all werent even that mad, it was more like "well...its"
nigga basically moved in and made 16 year olds work for him
the only dude that will drive 25 miles with an on-the-dial empty tank of gas for something worth 3 dollars
that rite aid/car stealing frenzy was nuts in the morning...