For like the past 2 months ive been emailing all these fast food chains claiming that i went into there restaurant got shitty ass service and the food was straight trash, 2 3 weeks later i get free food coupons in the mail. Ive gotten hella free shit for emailing people when im hella bored. This comes thru, i know sometimes people be hella drunk and need to get that jack in the crack fix but anit got money for it (unless you broke as hell and cant get 4 tacos) this is the shit to get your grub on. I only bring it up cuz this shit just helped me out to the max like 20 mins ago. I did it to roundtable and got a coupon to a free any size pizza and that shit was grubbbbbbbbbbbin. so if you want free food, just email, bitch at em, 2 weeks later you got some free shit. ive got a free coupon to almost every place you can think of lol