Its Gotta Be Asked, Is Deebo A Fucking Idiot?

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Is Deebo A Fucking Idiot?

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Nov 7, 2006
so is this a jokin thread or is this thread starter serious? fuck it i said he he's an idiot cause he dont like the pats lol but other than that i dont know the dude and can give a fuck less if he is or not cause i'll never meet him neither


Cannabis Connoisseur
Jan 23, 2006
Rich City
so is this a jokin thread or is this thread starter serious? fuck it i said he he's an idiot cause he dont like the pats lol but other than that i dont know the dude and can give a fuck less if he is or not cause i'll never meet him neither
so you'd say I'm an idiot (or ediot) too cuz I hate the patsies?

and there are definitely other i/ediots in this forum.....some of them are posting in this thread.......:cheeky:
May 17, 2002
I guess but does this really need its own thread?
Exactly what I thought.What is the meaning of this thread fool?Ok I made some stupid predictions that my Raiders would beat good teams and make stupid predictions but is it for all this get over it Chree.My Raiders Lost all the games I thought they would win and by alot but Its over I'm not making predictions or saying shit anymore man.Get off it.Already.My Raiders failed and you guys all got what u wanted which was to make me look like an idiot because my team didnt perform like I thought they could.Like I said Chree your starting to make this Personal.I'm not hiding behind a computer like u my pic is on my avatar you know where am it.I'm in your town everyday so come shut this idiot up in person.Bitch or just stop while your ahead.Oh thanks to everyone who voted I wasn't an idiot even if it just was 4 people and to the haters like always fuck u and all your teams.