Um... It's basketball season?
I remember when basketball was popular enough that white people knew when it was basketball season. Now I find out it's basketball season when a player gets a rape charge or runs into the crowd beating up fans... That or the "Allstar" game is on. I'm not knockin' basketball, bc I'm just flat out not a sports fan really, but it's true.
Anyway, how many guys on the Celtics are Irish these days?
Ehhh... id say it differs from place to place of course...but for the most part, youre probably right
In Boston, the Celtics are just as big as the Patriots or Bruins. Just not as much as the Red Sox....were pretty much a baseball city...but every single one of our major sports teams sell out every I would guess were just a big sports city...
Nowadays Boston is pretty diverse...but still mostly white....every sporting event I go to whether it be baseball, football or basketball the stands are filled with mostly white people...
Not sure what that means...nor do I care to speculate... but I know that just about everyone in Boston..(atleast from what I can see) follows and loves sports..including basketball...
and to answer your last question... 1
2 if you count staff