Actually I remember you had him in the top 5; that was until I put you through constant humiliation and had your ass puting him in the top 20 or so thinking I would get upset because of it. The thing is, I don't see a difference between you puting him in the top 100 or the top 5 because you have already proven to me that your in no position to rank any player such as Kobe. I could care less if you think the same about me either because the fact remains, you hate, I don't.. so I don't lower players skill level because I dislike them. If you try to say you don't either ill show links where you were saying Kobe will go down as one of the greats and is a top 5 player, then Laker fans came in by the masses and you suddenly changed your opinion. You might want to let this thread sink to the bottom like you normally do.