Isnt C-Bo to old for Prison

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Apr 18, 2003
c-bos a BOSS on the westcoast

u expect him to go get a job at walmart or somethin..... hes gotta feed himself and his kids

and because of shit he does of course hes gonna stay strapped
Oct 16, 2002
LOL@ this cake

i dont think i ever laugh'd this hard and i bet you if c-bo read this he'd be laugh'n too.....too bad they aint got computers there sp he can read this post and laugh his ass off too....

and what's this you yapp'n about "if lynch told us to eat babyz we would".......that's exactly how you is.....over here type'n paragraphs and shit all worried about your fav. rapper.......while i just sit back 'n shake my head at your cake ass

Oct 14, 2004
Mtown Criminal said:
that was the gayest rebuttle of all time...just quit.....been drinkin rob s4 whichever name u choose to use next time..your topic with it

and quit hollerin how u been locked up...for one your lying..for 2 nobody gives a fuck half the people on this bored been locked up...

To me Mtown you are coward. I really know your not about shit. You have this notion in your head iam somebody iam not. I think you sit and type like your hard but your not really anything at all. I know it hurts your heart you dont get any respect on here. Its life homie, i mean think about it if i was all mad all the time and thought i was a g (Your thinking) then i would go around and suspect people and get mad too. Listen homie i have tried to be decent with a clown like you. But your like a woman all you do is get upset and complain. If your real then your real. To me your a clown faker then a soroity girl. You would get more respect if you acted like a man instead of a hurt little child. Your probably going to reply with yo dawg you wouldnt say that to my face cake boy, ill stomp you and do you in. Face facts you wont your on here acting hard hoping that someone will respect you and your opinions. Face it homie nobody respects you.

@MAC 11- I see what your saying. His music is his money homie. And if you have to carry a un you have to. Understand though that there are ways around things.

@Up to nad Greedy- You two dont even know me and i dont i would really hang with some want to be gangsters in the first place. Your both like Mtown neither of you get respect so you feel like you some siccness bullys. Who are you two bullying? You think i care what either of you losers say to me. hahah you two are jokes, i know you two will say your a "Weenie" thats lame that souds like some shit a whitekid made up. You two are probably want to be gangsters as well. When you two grow up and want to be men then talk. Until then sit down take notes and understand nobody respects people who net argue all day long and thats what you two females do. Go ahead and reply with weeinie this hoe cake that but face it the three of you would never say it to my face.

Heres something from Big L that you 3 fit into.
No one will follow you/
You were never shit your mother should have swallowed you... Big L

Mtown, Greedy, and Up- Poster Children for Abortion.
Apr 25, 2002
@Rob been drinkin..u fuckin homo u just described your self in a nutshell....u got no understanding of anything real..when cbo talks about the "life of a rydah" that means somethin deeper than just some cool lyrics for hillbillies in ohio to rap along with..hes tellin u what his life is u aint gotta make gay ass threads like this

cbo packs straps and u pack pom pom's...fuckin cake...go make some moonshine u redneck
Oct 16, 2002
yup everything he says is how i see him......i aint no gangster never claimed to be one, all i do is handle my bizznazz and make my money....i give a fuck about you...give a fuck about cbo....give a fuck about this board and give a fuck about anybody cuz aint nobody gonna feed me or my family when am broke.....

so why you all worried about c-bo you lil fan boy......fuck you and everything you love fuck'n homo got me all mad 'n shit for no reason......and this is the last time amma post on this topic you can keep yapp'n if you want aint no sweat off my ballz.......

fuck'n rathead ass mu'fucka
Apr 25, 2002
Shasta said:
Jail is not the truth.
You got that right. And a grown man getting locked up all the time is fuckin' silly. You obviously ain't sharp at whatever it is you're trying to do if you're getting caught all the time so just stop & find yourself a new hobby.
Jul 1, 2004
sumtimes folks gota do whut they gotta do. i duno whut hes locked up for now... but its his business u kno? i dont liek him goin to jail. . but it is whut it is and its his business. if he wants to violate his PO then he must feel he needed to. fuck it
Apr 26, 2002
damn, shits crazy. if a "gangsta" rapper goes to jail foos say it's silly, if he never goes to jail, foos say he aint "real". damn, damn, damn. fold.
Oct 14, 2004
151 said:




Your a fucking moron. You must not have read a single thing i said did you? It figures you would say something like that. See homie your ignorant if your running around with your frame of mind. You must not really get it then huh? Maybe you would understand if you grew up some. Jail isnt for people like Bo unless he likes being there. Understand homie before you open your month and talk nonsense. I want to see Bo out and doing things with his music. People dont ge th chances Bo does. You dont really love this rap game because if you did you wouldnt be in here talking your ignorant mess. Get out of here if all your going to do is talk bullshit.

T-Spoon- See to me i dont want any rapper to go to jail. I mean look at cats like LYNCH he never ate anyone but his style was tight and he was original. I dont care if the cats real (I mean he cant be overly fake either though.)

Mr. D-Sane

Sicc OG, muthafucka
Apr 25, 2002
Rob S4 said:
Your a fucking moron. You must not have read a single thing i said did you? It figures you would say something like that. See homie your ignorant if your running around with your frame of mind. You must not really get it then huh? Maybe you would understand if you grew up some. Jail isnt for people like Bo unless he likes being there. Understand homie before you open your month and talk nonsense. I want to see Bo out and doing things with his music. People dont ge th chances Bo does. You dont really love this rap game because if you did you wouldnt be in here talking your ignorant mess. Get out of here if all your going to do is talk bullshit.

T-Spoon- See to me i dont want any rapper to go to jail. I mean look at cats like LYNCH he never ate anyone but his style was tight and he was original. I dont care if the cats real (I mean he cant be overly fake either though.)
Naw fool.....YOU are the fuckin' moron. You're up here in the WCM forum talkin' out your ass about some shit you know nothing about. The funny thing is I haven't seen a single person post up why Bo is locked down again. I know why. Why do I know why? Because I do. You act like Bo was out doin' some dumbshit and got caught up. You're CLUELESS and I ain't gonna put the man's business out there even though it was made public if I remember correctly.

You're a fuckin' clown tellin' my boy 151....a WCM artist and good friend to get out of his own forum. Especially when you're in here makin' questionable comments about the homie.

And we love the rap game bro.....but at the same time most of us have to deal with this thing called REAL LIFE. We have alot more to deal with than sittin' around with our finger in our booty waitin' for the next Bo-Loc album to drop and complain about the man's actions on websites. :dead:
Feb 19, 2003
Mr. D-Sane said:
Naw fool.....YOU are the fuckin' moron. You're up here in the WCM forum talkin' out your ass about some shit you know nothing about. The funny thing is I haven't seen a single person post up why Bo is locked down again. I know why. Why do I know why? Because I do. You act like Bo was out doin' some dumbshit and got caught up. You're CLUELESS and I ain't gonna put the man's business out there even though it was made public if I remember correctly.

You're a fuckin' clown tellin' my boy 151....a WCM artist and good friend to get out of his own forum. Especially when you're in here makin' questionable comments about the homie.

And we love the rap game bro.....but at the same time most of us have to deal with this thing called REAL LIFE. We have alot more to deal with than sittin' around with our finger in our booty waitin' for the next Bo-Loc album to drop and complain about the man's actions on websites. :dead:
Real talk.

Aug 11, 2003
I think this is the gayest Shit ever.. No one Should care why hes in jail.. Hes there and thats the end of it.. and all you niggas fighting is even gayer.. you should just Shut the fuck up.. or go head up.. thats all it should come down to.. if you really Tripin and telling people what to do.. set up a place and Handle it.. And stop fucking crying when people dont agree with you faggot ass.


if you're a have no street knowledge...stay the fuck out the might get hurt..bitch ass nigga..