@2ill...yes the GOVT...which is predominatley white and ran by racist mafuccaz who have wet dreams of an all white world, owns all of us.....why ya think we got SS numbers??? im in no way tryin to offend white just sayin that you shouldnt really care if someone says somethin about you bein white cuz in the long run thas all they can say and it dont mean much.......blaccs, latinos, native americans, asians, and muslims have all suffered hundreds of thousands of lives to slavery, persucution, and execution in the name of the good white christian lord...wether it was europeans or pilgrims turned americans...bottom line they were white people and till the day that minorities actually start sellin white people or takin over there land than i dont think being called a craccer will ever come close to being as degrading as the words "nigger" "spic" "chink" "towelhead" or any other slurs made by RACIST WHITE MEN...........