Gooood Daaamn!!!!!
Shit you vatos just dont know when 2 stop huh just because i had said Dyno looked and sounds like a skrap every mutherfucker on this website started talking mad shit 2 me i didnt start anything wit nobody understand. Everybdy started shit with me defending Dyno so people would diss me and i would diss back. But i aint even here to talk shit over the net that shit iz boring 2 me. But now when it comes 2 respect im all about it i give respect to all the enes no matter where you from cuz all Nortenos need 2 stick together and stay up not put eachother down. and i aint no punk azz leva im bout it bout it staying flamed up repping that big time NORTE. im pretty sure after this somebody iz gonna keep on talking shit over the net but itz nothing anybody can do that. But i aint even giving Sacra a bad name itz vatoz who speak on talking stupid shit like fagking or sacqueen. it that are doing it but itz whatever you vatoz know my hood Downtown Sacra repping that ZAPATA PARK i aint fake homie im just putting it down like the rest of the enes. I aint got shit wit nobody on thiz muthafucka nigazz are all buthurted cuz of dyno that shit iz hella old. And the name iz sacking91six.