Interesting topic.
Here is the full exchange:
"Simply put, Fuck you dirty - Condoleeza is a bush-pig - that has nothing whatsoever to do with race so don't even bring that shit into it. I have never once looked at Condoleeza and considered her 'race', what the fuck does that have to do with anything? You might as well start abusing me for 'hating on women' or some other bullshit. Always wanting to start a fight, get over your misplaced self-righteousness ho. "
"Ho? Since when do gay australians say shit like ho, you fake? American wannabes.....all over the globe. You don't see me calling you a wanker, or whatever your fake ass for Australian/Dingo-Fucker friends use insults, now do you?"
"don't even bring that shit into it."
"what the fuck does that have to do with anything?"
"or some other bullshit."
"get over your misplaced self-righteousness ho."
You speak exactly like an American teenager/young adult, or rather, someone who wants desperately to be one. I'm sorry for this. You listen to our rap. You watch our movies. I don't listen to Aussie music. I don't watch Aussie movies. And it shows.
The only thing I know about australia, is "a dingo ate me baby!", "kangaroo-fucker", and other xenophobic shit. You on the other hand, have an encyclopedic knowledge of my country, its slang, its language, and everything else.
It's not shameful or's just fake that you don't even know how to act like yourself, like the typical Australian with Australian insults and Australian ways of saying things. Everything out of your mouth on here, you sound like a wannabe Yankee.