Actually I heard that Roloc guy was pretty o.k.
@Mark 7 I can't say what I want to say because my posts would be considered offensive and my name would be in pink again. Seriously I lost some of my edge because of the ban and now it's like I walk on egg shells because I don't know who will cry and have me banned again. If a person thinks something shouldn't be posted it probably shouldn't be posted, but IMHO this board needs a section where people can have it at and not worry about the shit being deleted. It probably wouldn't work because people would let it spill over into the other boards but it's just an idea.
I have one post that I will post in the Got Problems forum . It has nothing to do with my recent banning but a false accusation that keeps being made. The person making the false statements will most likely sell his soul for my banishment, but I will address him in some way or fashion.