Hell yeah he gonna win the belt at HIAC they not building him for nothing. Heres what i think gonna happen he gonna destroy punk at HIAC get the title and reign supreme for month of november unless Ryback just wins it at survivor series. then at TLC lose the belt to punk probaly with outside interference or some kind of stip match like table match(like sheamus did cena years back)
damn read below it was the scenerio I predicted above lol. looks like they using CM Punks days as champion as a gimmick now makes you wonder if the rock gonna beat him at rumble or is Punk gonna keep the belt all the way to wrestlemania then lose it there. it could be at mania the rock vs cena (reg match) & CM Punk vs Ryback for wwe tittle
WWE > Original Plans for Ryback at Hell In a Cell
Posted by Steve Carrier on 11/01/2012 at 11:20 AM
- We've noted how WWE officials, mainly Vince McMahon, went back and forth on the finish for Ryback vs. CM Punk at Hell In a Cell.
The original plan was for Ryback to win the WWE Title clean in the middle of the ring, hold it through Survivor Series and then drop it at TLC in a multi-man match where he wouldn't be pinned or submitted. This was the plan through October 25th, the Thursday before the pay-per-view. The next day, Vince changed his mind and concluded that of the two, Punk's streak was the one that had been hammered home on TV and keeping that streak alive would only help business through WrestleMania season. Vince noted that while it had been mentioned on TV that Ryback was undefeated, it wasn't central to the storyline.
One WWE source close to creative was amazed that Vince made up his mind on the finish on October 26th and three straight days went by without him changing his mind.
Once they decided to have Ryback lose, many ideas were discussed on how to make that happen. They eventually settled on the Brad Maddox finish but had discussed run-ins by Big Show, Brock Lesnar, Mark Henry, Vince himself and others.