I'm starting this thread because I am tired of these bitch ass radio stations up here in Sacra!!!!
The only radio station up here representing the real shit is KNOZ 96.5, and it has been snitched & hatin on by the so called "home of hip hop and R&B" KBMB 103.5.
Fuck 102.5, too! With there Mocos Peros Chonechoes, playing that scrap shit up north. You will very, very rarely here them play anything from us.
What sucks is you can only get reception of 96.5 if your in the Downtown/Midtown area. If any artists are reading this, submit your song/album to them. They will play it as long as it is edited and ready for airplay. I heard some Norte Music on there the other day. I'll try to find there phone number or website to post.
I dont mean to come off crazy, but it pisses me off hearing these fools brag about how their all street, then put on some simpin' ass shit right after.
Any underground radio stations in your area? Post them.
Any bitch made stations in your area? Send a big FUCK YOU!!!
102.5 FUCK YOU!!!
103.5 FUCK YOU!!!