lol theres many ppl that post on siccness that know me personally and can verify that looks nothing like me, nor am i fat lmfao, so u = fail, ur still a 16 inch dicc searcher,#
lol theres many ppl that post on siccness that know me personally and can verify that looks nothing like me, nor am i fat lmfao, so u = fail, ur still a 16 inch dicc searcher,#
Hahahaha got jokes fag, Like i said you dont know me bitch so if you think iam a wana be come to my hood and see me about something bitch made foo. You mad because the siccness is the highlight of your life fucking queer ......
Arnold Swarzenegger doesnt flush the toilet, he went to the bathroom at the starbucks next door to wear my mother works, and her friend said after he left she went in to take care of the bathroom and his shit was still in there, asshole