I go fishing all the time, mostly bass and catfish. My biggest catch though was a 20 pound salmon I caught right outside the Golden Gate when I was ten. Anybody else fish? What do you usually fish for? What kind of gear you got? Where do you go fishing? Just curious
i fish , i used to drink and give up hella easily ,i memeber we used to buy hella bate and tackle and never catch a thing . one timed i maxed out and caught 5 rain bow trout
I caught a 40 lb stergon, like 3 years ago.........That shit fucked up my hands I was workin it hella hard to reel it in. Mother fucker was 6 foot long..
i fish sumtimes.my brothers are going out on a boat today.my oldest brother got lucky and won the jack pot twice so he got a free pass to fish sumore and a lil money.
I caught a duck one time. It was swimming underwater and the hook caught its webbing and I realled it in. It was hella pissed and kept trying to bite my uncle. He threw a towel on it and helped it instead of cutting it loose though.