Someone mentioned having full length movies on their Ipod. Where did you get these movies? I have a long flight in a couple of weeks, and a movie would be really cool to watch on the plane on your Ipod.
I bought the 30gb anf filled it up in 2 fuckin hours!Took it back to get the 60 and they didnt have any in stock...that was nearly 3 months ago...and ive just been too lazy to go get another one...
But i have a 1gb Creative Nano plus that i tag around for now...
i need to convert some mp3's to 128 to make some space. i have only 7.88gb of space left, and i still have more cd's to convert to mp3 =(
and yes videos do take up space.
it may be time for a 60 gig, but i dont like how heavy that is.