i just updated my shit to the 3.0 os and i still cant send or recieve MMS messages. wtf? and i didnt get the compass. i knew i wouldnt be able to do video obviously unless i copped the 3gs but why cant i do the mms? anybody know whatsup?
yeah i just read until the end of summer for at&t to support the mms shit. so sideways texting and copy and paste is all i downloaded the new os for? lame
i got one today, the video is pretty sick. and the compass and voice commands. also the 32gb sotrage come in handy.im gonna sell my original 3G on ebay, fools always on there lookin for phones minus contract obligations
i was gonna wait until the end of august to upgrade my 3g to 3gs, but i see people gettin money for their 3g. i was just gonna give mine away. fuck that now hahahah
i was gonna wait until the end of august to upgrade my 3g to 3gs, but i see people gettin money for their 3g. i was just gonna give mine away. fuck that now hahahah
I'm gonna get my.the first week in august. But I heard from a few people that if you restart or lock it you'll lose your contacts and gotta restore them. If that's the case think I wanna wait til they fix that bug.