Damn, I was under the impression that this forums would be full of grown psychos that enjoy howling like wolves right before taking turns on a gagged and bound runaway 16 year old...Instead they're arguing about make up and faggot soda with some kid that looks like a 'cool to save electricity' ad. lol
Anyways, I started listening to Mars around November last year and haven't been this crazy for disturbed funky sounding music in awhile, Just had to pick up his CD's thanks to a friend, Glad to be on board.
Anyways, I started listening to Mars around November last year and haven't been this crazy for disturbed funky sounding music in awhile, Just had to pick up his CD's thanks to a friend, Glad to be on board.
u shouldn't be calling anyone a faggot, while ur calling urself a ganxsta ryda