Infinity War Biggest Grossing Opening Weekend of All Time!!!!!

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Sicc OG
Aug 25, 2003
People still buy Blu Ray?
Umm yea? What other kind of movies would people buy? I hope not them terrible looking dvd's.

people still buy movies?

thats hella funny.
Yes sir, Movies sell big time on disk and are much better quality cause disk are not compressed.

holy fuck Thor: Ragnarok is boring.

im an hour in, does it get better or should i just turn it off?
Wow! What kind of films do you like? Ragnarok is bomb!

LMAO!!!! That exactly how I felt watching The Last Jedi. Only difference I was sitting in the theater.
Agreed. Star Wars films are trash!
May 4, 2002
i ended up turning that shit off.

i liked the avenger movies, captain america movies and the new spider man, not so much the old ones. im sure there were a few more super hero movies i liked but cant remember right now.