Yeah IGN's reveiw almost had me not coppin it too.. I actually went down to Game Spot and was gonna get Resident Evil 4 (that way i can send my game fly copy back lol) and Left 4 Dead.. But i saw Left 4 Dead was still like $45 used so fuck that lol..
Long story short i picked up my reserve and am i happy i ever did! This game is SOOOOOO BAD ASS! lol.. It's hella addicting too.. Imagine The Force Unleashed meet's Crackdown, and that is prototype in a nut shell.. The game plays a lot like CrackDown, but it has hella customizeable upgrades like The Force Unleashed did.. It's so bad ass elbow droppin tanks and hijacking helicopters! The gameplay is just amazing, but maybe a little too chaotic at times..
As far as the story goes i don't really know whats goin on at the moment lol.. Maybe it's suppose to be like that? Keep ya' in the dark until you get further in the game.. But the whole thing's a mystery, and i'am not gonna lie, that's what's really keepin me doin the missions and not jus runnin around new york sliceing tourist and beatin the shit out of hunters with my bladed arm whip lol..
The web of intriuge's are fuckin amazing too..
SOme of the military ones are spot on.. And thats really my favorite thing about Prototype are the 20second flashbacks you get when u consume some people..
I'am glad i bought this game.. I've got Red Faction for my online play, and when i get bored of that i have Prototype and Resident Evil 4's singleplayer campaigns to play thru..
June has been a great month for video gameing imo.