In the year 2050.

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Sep 28, 2004
What people have to learn is to take care of each other, like a society. Not just make machines to do it for us, or make luxury machines for the rich so they have to do even little. They may create wonderful works that may lengthen your life or allow you to travel easier, or hey, even have the perfect child. But these inventions will be mostly just available to the very rich.

If you want an example of the rich and their frivolous spending, just remember the woman who had her cat cloned for some ridiculous price, just because she liked that cat so much. I love my pets too. But $50,000 is a little too much to pay for a cat. (EVen a clone.) I think someone had posted this before.

There's technological advances that I agree with. Stem cell research, cancer research, HIV studies, etc, etc.. I am undecided on the subject of cloning. It's the laziness/luxury technology that I don't like. There is no reason to create a powerful AI, or make yogurt talk. It does not benefit us at all.