In the year 2050.

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May 13, 2002
2050 - and immortality is within our grasp

Britain's leading thinker on the future offers an extraordinary vision of life in the next 45 years

David Smith, technology correspondent
Sunday May 22, 2005
The Observer

Aeroplanes will be too afraid to crash, yoghurts will wish you good morning before being eaten and human consciousness will be stored on supercomputers, promising immortality for all - though it will help to be rich.

These fantastic claims are not made by a science fiction writer or a crystal ball-gazing lunatic. They are the deadly earnest predictions of Ian Pearson, head of the futurology unit at BT.

'If you draw the timelines, realistically by 2050 we would expect to be able to download your mind into a machine, so when you die it's not a major career problem,' Pearson told The Observer. 'If you're rich enough then by 2050 it's feasible. If you're poor you'll probably have to wait until 2075 or 2080 when it's routine. We are very serious about it. That's how fast this technology is moving: 45 years is a hell of a long time in IT.'

Pearson, 44, has formed his mind-boggling vision of the future after graduating in applied mathematics and theoretical physics, spending four years working in missile design and the past 20 years working in optical networks, broadband network evolution and cybernetics in BT's laboratories. He admits his prophecies are both 'very exciting' and 'very scary'.

He believes that today's youngsters may never have to die, and points to the rapid advances in computing power demonstrated last week, when Sony released the first details of its PlayStation 3. It is 35 times more powerful than previous games consoles. 'The new PlayStation is 1 per cent as powerful as a human brain,' he said. 'It is into supercomputer status compared to 10 years ago. PlayStation 5 will probably be as powerful as the human brain.'

The world's fastest computer, IBM's BlueGene, can perform 70.72 trillion calculations per second (teraflops) and is accelerating all the time. But anyone who believes in the uniqueness of consciousness or the soul will find Pearson's next suggestion hard to swallow. 'We're already looking at how you might structure a computer that could possibly become conscious. There are quite a lot of us now who believe it's entirely feasible.

'We don't know how to do it yet but we've begun looking in the same directions, for example at the techniques we think that consciousness is based on: information comes in from the outside world but also from other parts of your brain and each part processes it on an internal sensing basis. Consciousness is just another sense, effectively, and that's what we're trying to design in a computer. Not everyone agrees, but it's my conclusion that it is possible to make a conscious computer with superhuman levels of intelligence before 2020.'

He continued: 'It would definitely have emotions - that's one of the primary reasons for doing it. If I'm on an aeroplane I want the computer to be more terrified of crashing than I am so it does everything to stay in the air until it's supposed to be on the ground.

'You can also start automating an awful lots of jobs. Instead of phoning up a call centre and getting a machine that says, "Type 1 for this and 2 for that and 3 for the other," if you had machine personalities you could have any number of call staff, so you can be dealt with without ever waiting in a queue at a call centre again.'

Pearson, from Whitehaven in Cumbria, collaborates on technology with some developers and keeps a watching brief on advances around the world. He concedes the need to debate the implications of progress. 'You need a completely global debate. Whether we should be building machines as smart as people is a really big one. Whether we should be allowed to modify bacteria to assemble electronic circuitry and make themselves smart is already being researched.

'We can already use DNA, for example, to make electronic circuits so it's possible to think of a smart yoghurt some time after 2020 or 2025, where the yoghurt has got a whole stack of electronics in every single bacterium. You could have a conversation with your strawberry yogurt before you eat it.'

In the shorter term, Pearson identifies the next phase of progress as 'ambient intelligence': chips with everything. He explained: 'For example, if you have a pollen count sensor in your car you take some antihistamine before you get out. Chips will come small enough that you can start impregnating them into the skin. We're talking about video tattoos as very, very thin sheets of polymer that you just literally stick on to the skin and they stay there for several days. You could even build in cellphones and connect it to the network, use it as a video phone and download videos or receive emails.'

Philips, the electronics giant, is developing the world's first rollable display which is just a millimetre thick and has a 12.5cm screen which can be wrapped around the arm. It expects to start production within two years.

The next age, he predicts, will be that of 'simplicity' in around 2013-2015. 'This is where the IT has actually become mature enough that people will be able to drive it without having to go on a training course.

'Forget this notion that you have to have one single chip in the computer which does everything. Why not just get a stack of little self-organising chips in a box and they'll hook up and do it themselves. It won't be able to get any viruses because most of the operating system will be stored in hardware which the hackers can't write to. If your machine starts going wrong, you just push a button and it's reset to the factory setting.'

Pearson's third age is 'virtual worlds' in around 2020. 'We will spend a lot of time in virtual space, using high quality, 3D, immersive, computer generated environments to socialise and do business in. When technology gives you a life-size 3D image and the links to your nervous system allow you to shake hands, it's like being in the other person's office. It's impossible to believe that won't be the normal way of communicating.


Mickey Fallon
Sep 10, 2002
Tomato Alley
not really...this guys has no idea what consciousness is...u cant download consciousness into a computer...and the computer is in no way a human brain nor will it ever be.


Mickey Fallon
Sep 10, 2002
Tomato Alley
It's funny as hell that people like this are still around. In the philosophy of mind/consciousness, there was a movement, the artificial intelligence movement, that held that the brain is just a computer, but that point of view hasn't been in vogue for like 10 or 15 years. It's considered a joke now, by most philosophers and cognitive scientists.

A computer cant record something like memory, which in court, means NOTHING. memory, which is different within each brain, and the the brain CHOOSES what to remember, such as what color the room was ,the sound of something, the weather, that sorta thing.

and there's a qualitative feel to everything. The carpet feels fuzzy. A computer can never feel anything. It can never have a subjective experience like pain. It can have a process that reacts when a part of it is being damaged, but that's not the same as the feeling of pain and that's what these people don't understand.
Jul 7, 2002
lol dont listen to these people that pretict the future, rmember in the 50s how the future was going to be like? remember 2001 a space odessey? the year was 1999 and humans were traveling in space going ot distance planets/moons, living in space And the movie was very technicaly accurate.
Jul 7, 2002
DubbC415 said:
It's funny as hell that people like this are still around. In the philosophy of mind/consciousness, there was a movement, the artificial intelligence movement, that held that the brain is just a computer, but that point of view hasn't been in vogue for like 10 or 15 years. It's considered a joke now, by most philosophers and cognitive scientists.

A computer cant record something like memory, which in court, means NOTHING. memory, which is different within each brain, and the the brain CHOOSES what to remember, such as what color the room was ,the sound of something, the weather, that sorta thing.

and there's a qualitative feel to everything. The carpet feels fuzzy. A computer can never feel anything. It can never have a subjective experience like pain. It can have a process that reacts when a part of it is being damaged, but that's not the same as the feeling of pain and that's what these people don't understand.

cognitive sciecntist think of the brain as hardware, and the mind software.
May 13, 2002
nefar559 said:
lol dont listen to these people that pretict the future, rmember in the 50s how the future was going to be like? remember 2001 a space odessey? the year was 1999 and humans were traveling in space going ot distance planets/moons, living in space And the movie was very technicaly accurate.
They may have had the dates wrong but everything you mentioned is now a reality. We've been to the moon; we've sent spaceships to Mars and Saturn; and we've made a space station. All of which were considered by many as impossible and far-fetched.

These people are Futurists and they get paid top dollar for their profession. By analyzing data they are able to logically "predict" likely outcomes. These people are NOT saying these things will happen. They are merely evaluating the present data and describing likely outcomes.

Now, not all of things this article described necessarily are going to happen, they are simply likely possibilities and they really are not far fetched. In the present time we are already playing around with man and machine (I posted several articles about monkeys with robotic arms that they can control with their brain and other related topics). With nanotechnology and the increasing AI research, how can anyone say these scenarios are not possible?
May 19, 2005
DubbC415 said:
and there's a qualitative feel to everything. The carpet feels fuzzy. A computer can never feel anything. It can never have a subjective experience like pain. It can have a process that reacts when a part of it is being damaged, but that's not the same as the feeling of pain and that's what these people don't understand.
never say never cause it never come true

Its only a matter of time till something like the matrix is gonna go down. people are spending there lives on this inovative technology that one day this shits gonna be larger then life, matter over mind. Humans allways want what they dont need. i say fuck it lets go back to hunting food with our own hands and making cave drawings with our feces. First time i saw thta lil honda robot on tv i got freaked out,this is truly the end of the begining. the snowball is starting to gain speed and get bigger
Sep 28, 2004
I honestly wish I would get to see amazing things happen in my lifetime.

The thought of an A.I. equivalent to ours is a stirring one, but I'd also find it to be a little worrisome. But that is only me. Seen too many movies with A.I. that has turned on its creators..

Immortality is something I have no want of, and downloading one's conciousness into a computer wouldn't be true immortality anyway. You would die. Now there's a downloaded version of you, but it's not you. Your conciousness would end. There is no true immortality as long as your physical form can still die. I'll stay away from the whole soul concept; Not everyone believes in that schtuff.

Man will attempt to find a way around death as long as man fears the end of life.
Sep 28, 2004
2-0-Sixx said:
I feel the same way. You should check out this thread and tell me what you think.
Give me a day or so on this one; I want to read everything. What I read so far is intriguing so I am printing it out.

A quick comment:
Technology is a beast of burden as long as man weilds it. Technology is used to perform a task, and that is all. As soon as technology is on the same ground as man, I predict that it will change.

I'm going to go read and print out, and absorb stuff.
Sep 28, 2004
'We can already use DNA, for example, to make electronic circuits so it's possible to think of a smart yoghurt some time after 2020 or 2025, where the yoghurt has got a whole stack of electronics in every single bacterium. You could have a conversation with your strawberry yogurt before you eat it.'

I'll be honest, talking yogurt does nothing for me.

Chips will come small enough that you can start impregnating them into the skin. We're talking about video tattoos as very, very thin sheets of polymer that you just literally stick on to the skin and they stay there for several days.


But imagine moving tattoos. That sounds kind of cool.
May 13, 2002
CannibalCrow said:
I'll be honest, talking yogurt does nothing for me.
ha. Yeah, no shit. I don't see the purpose of talking foods...that would be weird as hell. "Please sir, don't eat me! Please!"

But imagine moving tattoos. That sounds kind of cool.
That would be dope. Much sooner than that we will have shirts with video screens that are as small and flexible as cotton shirts. By the use of Electronic Paper, this technology is right around the corner. Imagine having only one newspaper which, each day, downloads the daily news via satellite.
May 19, 2005
"Imagine having only one newspaper which, each day, downloads the daily news via satellite."

internet maybee?

and moving tattoos will be a fad that wont last like slap sticks or pogs
Feb 4, 2005
Thatz sum crazy shit, i wont be around for that shit. But why make a computer with emotion? with out a doubt sooner or later they will workout that they are the equvelent of slaves/labours or whateva and then become top of the food chain. Wheres us humans wont be good for nuthin since the computers can do everything betta then we can, so we will just get shafted. Whateva good luck to my and your children is all i say.