In the past 6 months....?

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Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
6 months without siccness and they were the best eh??
Now that I think about, the past 7 years or however many it was that I've been on Siccness were pretty fuckin bad. Friends dying, gettin caught dealing, gettin kicked out of the house. Then I stop talkin to you guys for 6 months and my life gets back on track. Fuck it, i'm outta here!!

But good shit on everyone. I almost forgot to mention the best part - I passed my piss test for my job on my own. It took a month of hard work but paid off.

I also did a few live performances around bars in Pittsburgh.

Met a girl doing graphic design who is gonna help me make a little album cover.

And oh yeah, one more thing: I'm sorry to all the Seahawks fans who are gonna hate on me just cuz my team won the Superbowl. If we played the worst game in the world, how'd we beat you by 11 points? That's more than a touchdown and a field goal. I dont have time to talk shit over the internet, but you're a bunch of crybaby faggots with your dicks up your asses, and you probably weren't even real fans till last year. I bet you're at home wearing your brand new Lofa Tatupu jersey talking about how this was the next big trend like Beanie Babies and Tomagotchis. I had to wait 10 years after losing to the Cowboys and it made this Superbowl worthwhile. So be a good sport and be happy for me, or shut your losing mouths. :)
Feb 25, 2006
you all makin me look like i anit doin shit right well i did 8 months in county so for tha last 6 months i was gone for 5 of em and in tha last month i really anit got much done