Yes the earth is 6000 years old if you add up all of the years people lived in Genesis, and also remember that there was a flood. Okay I am going to go through some things with you evolutionists.
First of all, you have all heard of the First Law Of Thermodynamics right? If not, it says "matter cannot be created or destroyed" Okay since matter cannot be created or destroyed only changed, then how did the earth get here? Well it leaves only 2 choices:
1. Somebody made the world (GOD)
2. The world made itself.
It is funny how you evolutionists change your theories alot, the Belgian Astronomer Georges Edward Lemaitre who created the Big Bang theory first said the matter that exploded, was nothing more than a few light years in diameter, now over the years you guys have changed it around 4 times, finally coming to the conclusion that nothing exploded. Wow, nothing exploded and here we are huh?:dead:
One more thing, a Law in physics called the "Conservation of Angular Momentum" states that "if a spinning object breaks apart in a frictionless environment like the big bang would have been, then all of the fragments would be spinning in the same direction" Okay then, but WHY ARE THERE 2-3 PLANETS SPINNING BACKWARDS? THATS BECAUSE GOD MADE IT THAT WAY TO MAKE YOUR EVOLUTION THEORY LOOK STUPID. STOP PREACHING THIS RELIGIOUS EVOLUTION CRAP. SCIENCE IS SOMETHING WE CAN TEST AND PROVE, EVOLUTION IS NOTHING MORE THAN WISHFUL THINKING.