I haven't checked this post in a while so I thought I'd respond to some people....First off, your right I'm probably not good enough to be In My City, but neither were you....2, Met this chick, made this chick, problem was there was too many KC strips in one verse....3, I've listened to alot of KC albums and that is why I know that only a handful will make it out of here....Most of KC rap albums are fucking wack.....Wait a minute....FUCKING WACK....The beats sound like they were made on casio keyboards, with exemptions to some of Techs beats and yes, some of 51/50's beats.....KC rappers lyrics are about the same bullshit, nuthin new there...So 10 years from now when everyone is still not buying KC albums,you'll no why.....Call me a hater, but thats factual......For the KC rappers that don't pertain to my handful,(There were a few left off, so don't go cryin) step your rap game up........51/50, like I said, some beats are good, haven't heard all of your artists, but I'll by a 51/50 cd,including Bochamp, before I ever buy a MidWestSide album....That Misery cd was garbage.....Worst shit to ever drop outta kc...