hersey-dont bite into these internet games- let your music speak for itself, you use what you use to get the job done, my first project was recorded on a 8-track casette i sold over two thousand units its about music nothing more.
d-sane if you know all this shit you say you do why you asking rookies for advise? most people on this board dont have the vast knowlege you do so dont get mad when people try to help you,like yourself ive been in the bizz for about 14 myself ,it dont mean shit in the bay bro younsters round here will bust your shit on beats,rymes and just about anything else, i can only speak for the town that spend most of my time in-oakland,santa rosa and houston texas, my advise is to keep doin what you do and hide that ego of yours before someone hurts your pride
kev ski amgmusic 1993-
d-sane if you know all this shit you say you do why you asking rookies for advise? most people on this board dont have the vast knowlege you do so dont get mad when people try to help you,like yourself ive been in the bizz for about 14 myself ,it dont mean shit in the bay bro younsters round here will bust your shit on beats,rymes and just about anything else, i can only speak for the town that spend most of my time in-oakland,santa rosa and houston texas, my advise is to keep doin what you do and hide that ego of yours before someone hurts your pride
kev ski amgmusic 1993-