lol. love how the two fags are like "dont feed the troll" and yet they cant seem to get my dick out of their mouth.
Show me one post you faggot where i called you a troll or said dont feed you ....
Your days of faking you way through siccness are over you dirty faggot.
Errrrrybody seen you been exposed for the the faggot you you tryna play the victim like a bitch hahahaha...
You got no talk for me pmd me talkin tough sendind details that dont exist loooooool
you call your self the king of the siccness??? bitch ass nigga is you for real??? Your on the same level as marty,red dragon,robo,satingun and gaylim looooool....
Aint nothin you can say to revive your bitch azz nigga,its over,done deal..
Its a wrap lol no one gone have a fag like you talkin shit to them know your a native indian gas attendant on the arizona border posting from the settlements comunal laptop and shit....