Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, first hand shit, & straight up.
Your Babys mom aint your old lady no more the moment you give her up!
the moment you part ways she became her own entity & can do / fuck whoever she wants.
even if thats your best friend.
I dont understand how thats breaking rules unless they were dippin when the 2 were together tryin to do the family thing.
Any one of my homies can get @ my BM, thats just how the fuckin game goes.
you cats that claim how it's 'breaking the rules' possibly aint got a BM to worry about, or are lying to yourselves / the board to sound cool. Quit handcuffin these hoes lol
it's on the babys dad if he is catchin feelings over a broad he already had & let go... as long as the other cat aint coming between the kid & the father, its open season.
thats like saying "I dont want that chicken wing", leaving it in the bucket, but telling everyone else they cant have it.