I was in projection and I'd usually close thursday nights until the morning guy quit. thursdays was when 90% of the projection work happens since movies come out friday. we had 15 theaters plus an imax that would play regular 35mm film also (imax film is 70mm). [movie facts] the films are put together from reels, most movies are about 2 hours which is usually 5 or 6 reels. the first lord of the rings was 9 reels. in fight club they talk about working projection and mention the "cigarette burns" that notes the reel change. this is true, but theaters put the whole movie together first instead of switching reels every 20-30 minutes. [/movie facts] also during that scene in fight club they splice a single frame of porn into a film. we were gonna do that, but didn't feel like getting fired, so my potna takes a frame of pikachu and splices it between the trailers. watching from the booth you'd see heads turning to each other in confusion like "did you just see that too?" the films are heavy too. we'd have to move them each thursday when new movies come out, so I'd get a workout (until we got lazy and modified some rolling shelves to do our work for us). lord of the rings was heavy as fuck. and dropping films sucks. I never dropped a film, but I had to fix a couple drops. I remember coming to the theater hella loaded about to see something to wait for my potna to get off, I get the ticket then go to jack n the box and get a phone call
"uuuummmmm......are you still nearby the theater?"
"yeah, I'm bout to watch a movie."
"oh, it wasn't anger management was it?"
"no, why"
"oh good, cuz we had to cancel it cuz nicole dropped the print"
"oh shit! I'm glad I'm not working!"
"actually........can you come back up to projection?"