"If we all evolved from monkeys, niggers only evolved half way"

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Nov 7, 2002
The Unkut said:
oh yea or you could sue your job if you think it'll work my cousin got a mill or 2... cuz he fount out muthafuckas was being racist as fuck.

and if you put porn on his pc...

MAKE IT KIDDIE, BEasty, N SNUFF... that'll get his ass outta there...
man that's only if da brovaz was not getting raises and promoted cause of a racest manager o r something like that,...this is just some words that was problly just betewwn him and archy bunker
Jun 5, 2004
You don't have to put up with that bullshit, especially at a workplace. If I was in this situation, that would be the only time I would "snitch", if you can even call it that.
May 13, 2002
I'm not sure. I'll find out.

Thanks for everyone’s advice. I'll have to think about this one. I was obviously pissed off when I wrote that message, but I've had time to think rationally and cool off. It shouldn’t be too difficult to get him fired, since everyone here hates him.

In one of the bathrooms there are a lot of magazines and one magazine cover has a Jewish man in traditional Jewish attire. Another co-worker knows about his Anti-Semitism, and everyday after using the bathroom he would purposely place this magazine on top of the magazine pile. Mysteriously, everyday this magazine would be on the bottom. After a couple of weeks of placing it on the top, finally today, the Jewish man on the cover has cut-marks all across his face and a swastika drawn on his head. He seems to be slowly getting more aggressive and open about his racism. Just the other day I was told he made a racist Katrina joke to the big boss. Should be just a matter of time.

28g w/o the bag

politically incorrect
Jan 18, 2003
metro's jurisdiction
2-0-Sixx said:
That's what a co-worker of mine just said to me. Exact words. This is the same piece of shit that I made a thread about a while ago who was saying all this anti-jew shit earlier. I seriously cannot fucking handle being in the same building with this cocksucker. After he said that I flicked my cigarette right into his forehead and sparks flew everywhere and I felt the young 17 year old 2-0-Sixx resurrecting and images of me ripping his eyeballs out of his sockets flashed before be, but once again I restrained myself and walked away. Besides flicking the cigarette, I’m surprised I handled it so well.

But my blood is boiling and I want to see his guts ripped from his stomach. Not only because of his racist remarks, but because he is also as right-wing-christian-conservative as they come and he always has some fucking bullshit to say and the very sight of him makes my stomach curl. Always talks bout Hitler and how people don’t understand the real Hitler and this and that. Talking about he was right for killing the jews.

WTF should I do? Is 2-0-Sixx gonna have to slap a bitch? Seriously, I’m not a snitch and I want to fuck him up, but also don’t want to loose my job or go back to jail. Fuck.
you serious? he says he's a christian?

i'm a christian too... but i urge you to punch him in the jaw
May 13, 2002
^Yeah, he’s a right-wing Christian. Right-wing Christians are the ones with extreme beliefs, and often times hold racist beliefs or have no problem seeing an abortion clinic bombed or whatever. In fact, this guy actually said he supports abortion bombers. Anyways, I wouldn’t say Christians (like yourself) hold these kinds of view. Just the right-wing wackos (just like right-wing Muslim extremists, etc.).
May 4, 2002
man if he's makin jokes to tha boss that are racist man if you can prove that u can sue those fuckers ass-less i'm tellin you my cuzzin caught his boss on cam sayin "NIGGER" and reffering to black employees as "BOY" ...he got a Mill or 2 or more i forgot sumwhere in 7 figure land... :classic: anybody else you got to testify... anything think dammit LAWSUIT DAMMIT LAWFULLY SUE THESE RACIST FUCX and are you tha ONLY BLACK Folk there? ...sumbody gonna have to get sued or beat tha fuck out dammit justice needs a servin around that muthafucka man!!!
May 8, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
That's what a co-worker of mine just said to me. Exact words. This is the same piece of shit that I made a thread about a while ago who was saying all this anti-jew shit earlier. I seriously cannot fucking handle being in the same building with this cocksucker. After he said that I flicked my cigarette right into his forehead and sparks flew everywhere and I felt the young 17 year old 2-0-Sixx resurrecting and images of me ripping his eyeballs out of his sockets flashed before be, but once again I restrained myself and walked away. Besides flicking the cigarette, I’m surprised I handled it so well.

Good shit Sixx. I prolly would have stole on him.
Nov 13, 2003
hay sixxer tell me where you work and i'll show up acting like his gay lover ....

"bob!!!! (sound gay enuff for me,...what about gaylord) you said you was gonna leave your wife and come with me to dal"ass" tx,... why are you taking so long to chose me after i let you in my secret hiding spot,...you even wore my lether chaps!!!!,....i got video to prove it,....you said you love me.....i'm not leaving tell you str8 en this out with me,...we need to talk,...i love you,...your my love muffen the one and only love muffen i dont wanna be with another man just you,...i know your wife dont get you hard no more but i do every time,...and you know it's good to you daddy"

man i would have to ask you to buy me some skin tight spandex suite off broad way (dont trip you dont have to come with,...i know where to go....trendy wendy's is the spot!!! i can do latex jump suite if you perfer?)
at lease his co works would give him chit and you got a good come back
he would want to never think of a gay or black man agen the same,.....

but if he really is atracted to me,...then i'm sure your smart enuff to think of a plan b-c-d and e

this shit is having me rolling my side starting to hurt ohh damn