that was a lil out of line there buddy, how you remembered a post of mine in a thread you didnt even post in is beyond me, you knew the whole story too, damn. and your "model" girl looks like a horse, so quite with that 'model' shit. gangsta
u know what? it was out of line cuz i dont speak on peoples dead homies..but you were also out of line coming in here and speaking on my gf for no reason..and then u come in and insult her until you apologize, which i dont think u will, then fuck u and fuck your fat friend who killed himself over a fuckin pathetic is that??
and you can call my gf a horse all you want, but like turf talk once said, you can tell that to her pants pockets cuz they're full, and not just cuz of the cakes in them..
hoe ass little bitch, she's got you covered in the $$$$$ department..
southerncomfort= definition of a hater..
why dont u "almost die" without the almost..