The Evil Genius said:
Please show me where I admitted that my point waz devestated. What did u prove? It waz your opinion vs. mine. When I spoke on something in particular az being a fact, it waz a fact.
You have no clue as to the difference between
opinion and
fact, some genius you are. Everyone who has any kind of sense can see the information I posted from other links, not just a
story I
believed to be true, like you did. I posted quotes and links from diferent sources, and you told a tale.
THAT is the difference between fact and opinion.
If you can't get that difference squared away, then you have no business trying to argue.
And save that bullshit about me being sarcastic when on your very first post it waz u jumping out there feeling like 2 get your lil point accross u gotta talk shit. Now u try 2 reverse the shit like it waz me. U aint slick junior.
When I said you were "talking shit", I was referring to your other posts in other threads. Go back and re-read. No one is trying to turn anything around on you in terms of this here thread. You have been a good boy here, aside from not knowing the difference between a fact and an opinion.
People have talked shit 2 me on other threadz but everyone that haz ever posted anything on the Siccness has had someone talk shit to'em, even the rapperz that have posted.
There is a difference between talking shit and being sarcastic. Most people on this board are sarcastic and don't take shit to heart when people fuck with them, but with you they are talking shit. You have no clue how to come at people when you have a difference of opinion, yet ironically, this is the same thing that has you all bothered with me. YES, I talked shit to you. But, this is because your opinion here is completely ridiculous and out of touch with reality. Every post but one has let you know that. This is not some newbie listing "classic" albums and getting sarcastic remarks, you came off with some ridiculous claim, and you deserved to get laughed the fuck outta here.
I came @ your reply cuz on another thread I spoke on something & u came out of no where 4 no reason talkin shit 2 me. Like I said before lil junior, u must have really low self esteem 2 just come out of no where on the net talkin shit to some one 4 no reason @ all. My feelings hurt? Thiz iz a fuckin message board so my feelingz would never get hurt from anyone on here. I don't have any feelingz towardz anyone on here so why would it?
Don't attempt to psychoanalyze me, you don't even know how to read my responses critically. You don't know the difference between opinion and fact. And you certainly don't know how to support your opinion with facts. You know very little.