If MC Ren Left N.W.A. Instead Of Ice Cube......

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Jun 15, 2005
The Evil Genius said:
@ Speedy Gonzalaz talkin hiz shit. You hurt no onez feelinz. Instead of u just dissagreeing with my opinion u jumped on thiz thread talkin shit. Thiz aint the first time either cuz I recall on another thread u had jumped on their talkin shit 2 me out of the blue 4 no reason @ all. I'm not sweatin yo sucka azz I'm just stressin my point thatz all. Your corny azz internet sarcasm iz some shit u can keep 2 yourself cuz your only impressing yourself.
There was a sarcastic tone to my posts, but you are blurring the line between talking shit and stating facts. We know what you said, we saw what I posted, and I practically demolished your points. There is like one dude who sort of agrees with you here and everybody else knows you were high when you posted this thread.

Don't act nonchalant like your just getting your point out there and not worried about anyone's opinion. If that was the case, you would have never posted this nonsense. Stop stressing your point, because it has been CRUSHED.

By the way, is Speedy Gonzalez supposed to be a clown?, that's not even him. Learn to research, learn to read.

Get your last word in and then let this thread die.
May 30, 2006
The thread died az soon az your corny azz decided 2 try talk shit & instead of just sharing your info just 2 prove your point. Like I said in my previous post. Thiz aint the first time u done jumped on a thread trying 2 crack @ me 4 no reason. I peeped your true agenda awhile back. Your lonley azz try 2 talk shit on the net cuz u have self esteem issuez. If u would of been humble about your shit & responded without all the corny azz jokes I couldve respected where u were comin from weather I agreed or not but u were just being u & wanted 2 take shotz make thiz into a war of wordz........for nothin. Grow the fuck up.
Sep 17, 2005
If MC Ren left NWA intead of Cube him and JT Tha Bigga Figga would be ridin around in matching Datsun B-210's right now.

Ice Cube was not succesful only because of his rapping skills. He had a star charisma which he was able to parlay into alot of different ventures. Im a huge MC Ren fan but I know he didnt have that star power.
Jun 15, 2005
The Evil Genius said:
The thread died az soon az your corny azz decided 2 try talk shit & instead of just sharing your info just 2 prove your point. Like I said in my previous post. Thiz aint the first time u done jumped on a thread trying 2 crack @ me 4 no reason. I peeped your true agenda awhile back. Your lonley azz try 2 talk shit on the net cuz u have self esteem issuez. If u would of been humble about your shit & responded without all the corny azz jokes I couldve respected where u were comin from weather I agreed or not but u were just being u & wanted 2 take shotz make thiz into a war of wordz........for nothin. Grow the fuck up.
Again, blurring the lines between talking shit and proving a point. You so much as admitted that your point was devastated, I know that was a huge step for you.

And, I actually went back through my posts to see when was the first time I hurt your feelings, but I found nothing, homegirl.

So, I went through yours. Know what I saw?

You "talking shit" like the Mr. Know It All you think you are in the same sarcastic/dismissive tone that I used with you today. Except for one difference. I actually proved what I was saying and you did not. Which is why several people were talking shit back to you, in several different threads.

If you act like I'm the only talking shit to you on these here boards, then not only are you a hypocrite, but you're a gotdamn liar too. Now, promptly go fuck yourself.


Sicc OG
Jul 21, 2002
No one would have cared Cube woulda still blown up because he was a smart business man and actor than ren was Ren had a couple of tight albums but they were never as marketable as cubes stuff

There is something in theis world called charisma and Ice Cube naturally has more of it than MC Ren
Jan 28, 2007
Ren was as talented as Ice Cube lyrically, but as others have stated, he didn't have that maisntream appeal. So, I don't think he would have been any better than he has been.
May 30, 2006
enserio said:
Again, blurring the lines between talking shit and proving a point. You so much as admitted that your point was devastated, I know that was a huge step for you.

And, I actually went back through my posts to see when was the first time I hurt your feelings, but I found nothing, homegirl.

So, I went through yours. Know what I saw?

You "talking shit" like the Mr. Know It All you think you are in the same sarcastic/dismissive tone that I used with you today. Except for one difference. I actually proved what I was saying and you did not. Which is why several people were talking shit back to you, in several different threads.

If you act like I'm the only talking shit to you on these here boards, then not only are you a hypocrite, but you're a gotdamn liar too. Now, promptly go fuck yourself.
Please show me where I admitted that my point waz devestated. What did u prove? It waz your opinion vs. mine. When I spoke on something in particular az being a fact, it waz a fact.

And save that bullshit about me being sarcastic when on your very first post it waz u jumping out there feeling like 2 get your lil point accross u gotta talk shit. Now u try 2 reverse the shit like it waz me. U aint slick junior.

People have talked shit 2 me on other threadz but everyone that haz ever posted anything on the Siccness has had someone talk shit to'em, even the rapperz that have posted. I came @ your reply cuz on another thread I spoke on something & u came out of no where 4 no reason talkin shit 2 me. Like I said before lil junior, u must have really low self esteem 2 just come out of no where on the net talkin shit to some one 4 no reason @ all. My feelings hurt? Thiz iz a fuckin message board so my feelingz would never get hurt from anyone on here. I don't have any feelingz towardz anyone on here so why would it?
Jun 15, 2005
The Evil Genius said:
Please show me where I admitted that my point waz devestated. What did u prove? It waz your opinion vs. mine. When I spoke on something in particular az being a fact, it waz a fact.
You have no clue as to the difference between opinion and fact, some genius you are. Everyone who has any kind of sense can see the information I posted from other links, not just a story I believed to be true, like you did. I posted quotes and links from diferent sources, and you told a tale. THAT is the difference between fact and opinion.

If you can't get that difference squared away, then you have no business trying to argue.

And save that bullshit about me being sarcastic when on your very first post it waz u jumping out there feeling like 2 get your lil point accross u gotta talk shit. Now u try 2 reverse the shit like it waz me. U aint slick junior.
When I said you were "talking shit", I was referring to your other posts in other threads. Go back and re-read. No one is trying to turn anything around on you in terms of this here thread. You have been a good boy here, aside from not knowing the difference between a fact and an opinion.

People have talked shit 2 me on other threadz but everyone that haz ever posted anything on the Siccness has had someone talk shit to'em, even the rapperz that have posted.
There is a difference between talking shit and being sarcastic. Most people on this board are sarcastic and don't take shit to heart when people fuck with them, but with you they are talking shit. You have no clue how to come at people when you have a difference of opinion, yet ironically, this is the same thing that has you all bothered with me. YES, I talked shit to you. But, this is because your opinion here is completely ridiculous and out of touch with reality. Every post but one has let you know that. This is not some newbie listing "classic" albums and getting sarcastic remarks, you came off with some ridiculous claim, and you deserved to get laughed the fuck outta here.

I came @ your reply cuz on another thread I spoke on something & u came out of no where 4 no reason talkin shit 2 me. Like I said before lil junior, u must have really low self esteem 2 just come out of no where on the net talkin shit to some one 4 no reason @ all. My feelings hurt? Thiz iz a fuckin message board so my feelingz would never get hurt from anyone on here. I don't have any feelingz towardz anyone on here so why would it?
Don't attempt to psychoanalyze me, you don't even know how to read my responses critically. You don't know the difference between opinion and fact. And you certainly don't know how to support your opinion with facts. You know very little.
May 30, 2006
The waz pretty clever how u munipulated everything I posted & made it clearly into somethin that it wasn't & disquising your wordz az something that all makes sense when a lot of it were just wordz on top of bullshit.

Go ahead & get the last word cuz whatz the use in getting into a 9 page thread going back & fourth over nothin.
Nov 18, 2004
Ren couldn't hang w/ them anacondas. But seriously I still doubt that he could've mirrored Ice Cube's success as an actor. On the mic he would've had to address a few more issues to get the same kind of exposure. Ice Cube is an opportunist to be sure.
Jun 15, 2005
The Evil Genius said:
The waz pretty clever how u munipulated everything I posted & made it clearly into somethin that it wasn't & disquising your wordz az something that all makes sense when a lot of it were just wordz on top of bullshit.

Go ahead & get the last word cuz whatz the use in getting into a 9 page thread going back & fourth over nothin.
You stated your opinion, I stated mine. Mine turned into fact the minute I posted links and quotes. I pulled from three different sources; The bio of Cube, the bio of Ren, and the history of NWA. You pulled from your ass.

There is no manipulation there.

Besides, everyone in here is clearly more sane than you because they know Ren could never duplicate what Cube did, so if there is any manipulation going on, they should be able to spot it.

You sir, live in fantasyland.


Siccness Gray Hair
Apr 25, 2002
Auburn Wa
I guess alot of you don't remember Cube being in C.I.A. when Ren had already put it down for NWA.Ren did'nt have the(gay term)bravado Cube had on the mic....he could'nt of done anything outside of a couple gold records at best.IMO