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Oct 12, 2004
a star impaled said:
I laugh everytime someone mentions a completely talentless band, in this case SOAD.
Completely talentless? You are kidding right? Dude, I've never understood you or your musical tastes. Everyone has got their own tastes... but for you to come on here and point out what's talent and what's not is a fuckin' joke.. Haha, I laugh everytime you come on here and bash somebody elses musical tastes cuz it doesn't please "your" fuckin' "SCREAMO" ear... give me a break. I never know half the bands you name... if they were that talented don't ya think I would have at least heard them mentioned at one point or another or heard at least a song or two? Now please... quit being so fuckin' ignorant and open your fuckin' mind to other people's tastes/opinions, just as we would for you. That's cool you don't like SOAD... good for you and your screamo ass, but how can you say they are a completely talentless band to people who obviously like them? What would make me or anyone who likes SOAD wanna be open minded to your music or pay attention to your posts if you're just gonna be an ignorant prick like that? Not me, that's for sure, I don't like ignorant people... and that's exactly what you are. PEACE
Mar 9, 2003
Heh Screamo, I remember the first time I listened to Saetia. Back in either 2003 or early 2004 I must have listened to 'A Retrospective' non stop for a whole month. Anyways talent depends on the person listening.


not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
I have no idea what that all is because I don't play the guitar lol. But complexity doesn't always mean the best music IMO. Sometimes simpler stuff sounds 100x's better (sometimes it doesn't.)

IMO both BTBAM and SOAD are great bands...I guess people just got different tastes.

@ SRD420 it's cool that you seem like a big SOAD fan (I am too) and I know Smurf can be pretty harsh but seriously who gives a fuck what he thinks (no offense ment by that Smurf) as long as you like the music who really cares.



Oct 12, 2004
a star impaled said:
Okay the rest of your statement aside I can't believe you're using this as an arguement. Coming from someone familiar with the rap world, sinse when has being well known equated talent?

SOAD ARE TALENTLESS. Their music is simple.

Do we need to compare otherwise because drums, vox, and bass all leave SOAD being laughed at more and more.
Yeah, you're right, I'll admit I made a mistake by stating that... being well known doesn't justify talent the band/group may have, I mainly said that out of anger, haha. But I still disagree w/ you and your thoughts on "If music is simple, well then its talentless." I understand you like complex music, but honestly, your statement about simple music being talentless is BS. I guess our definitions of "Talent" differ from one another or something. A hard learned guitar riff doesn't equal talent to me. There's a variety of things that make up talent... just because a band plays a hard to play guitar riff doesn't mean the band is talented.... especially if they are screaming on the mic and you can't understand a fuckin' thing they are saying. That to me, is talentless. I like to understand the meaning/concept behind a song rather then having some singer screaming non-sense I can't even make out. To me, a bands talent is more then just complex guitar riffs and screaming vocalists. A lot of talent comes from simple music. If it weren't for the simple music, there would be no complex music... think about that. Is Guns N Roses a talentless band? How about Pink Floyd? Or CCR? In this guys (A Star Impaled) words I guess they are talentless because they don't play complex music, but I'm tellin' ya... it's simple music like this that made complex music even possible... so don't even go there.


Oct 12, 2004
a star impaled said:
Please leave your stereotypes at the door. Rest assured I don't fall under any of them.


You don't seem to see the diffirence between talent and being clever. A clever artist can come up with a simple riff and a few lyrics and be labeled a musical genuise. Yet have no talent because anyone who picks up a guitar can duplicate what they make. A talented band or artist is someone who creates and plays something that not everyone can recreate. why? because it's so hard and takes so much skill and talent to do.

Pink Floyd isn't the most talented band but they are certianly musical genuises. I have no clue what CCR is but GnR fall into the same category as PF.
Yeah, I do know the difference. A talent is described as someone w/ superior abilities, meaning the greatest right? Ok, so lets use Pink Floyd as an example. You say they were musical geniuses... meaning they came up w/ some simple riffs and a few lyrics right? That's how you described it anyway. But YOU are not getting my point. Pink Floyd had many "superior abilities" they used throughout their albums. Have you ever, in music history, heard someone use the sythesizer such as Pink Floyd did... especially noting The Dark Side of The Moon album? No. I doubt you have. And that is one of the Best Sellers of all time. A band to come up w/ such an album must have had some sort of "Superior Abilties" in order to make a best selling album... wouldn't ya think? Is that album not unique in its own way? Is that or is that not a talent? Or how about their lyrics... to me this is where the "real" talent comes in. Please, someone tell me the fuckin' meaning behind "Stairway to Heaven" cuz I've honestly been tryin' to figure it out for years. I've listened to it over and over and over. I've looked at the lyrics over and over and over, but yet I've got a million theories and not a single clue to what they were really trying to get across in that song. Now to me, shit like that... the unexplainable but yet explainable that captures my attention is "TALENT." Unique in their own ways, from the use of the synthesizer to the lyrics... to the over all preception of Pink Floyd... Pink it simply amazes me. Are you telling me that that didn't take talent to do? To make an entire album all syncronized and put together like that wasn't a talent? Who the fuck else do you know from that time period did something like they did? The Beatles were probably one of the most subliminal bands to ever come out. Did you know that? Dude, this is getting much to deep for me to continue on... just know that I don't agree with what you think is talent. I'm sorry, but there is just more to it then what you are tryin' to get across. That's cool we both have different view points to what we think is talent. I agree w/ some of what you say, we obviously both think uniqueness/something no one else can do is a "talents" main quality, but yet you label Pink Floyd and Guns N Roses musical geniuses instead of a talented group/band. Or when you called SOAD comepletely talentless... that's where we cross lines. System is very unique in their own way... no one will ever sound like them or recreate what they have already done, because no one in my own mind could live up to their standards as a band. They are the one and only System of A Down... just like there will always be a one and only Pink Floyd. Ok, see, I'm lettin' myself drift on and on again so I'm just close w/ I understand what you are sayin', but I don't think you understand what I am trying to get across. Alright, there... I'm done.

PS: Yes, I agree, you can leave the stereotypes at the door... we're havin' a real conversation here that intrests me so if all you came to do was name call... please go somewhere else.

Oh and one more thing a star impaled... you don't like or listen to rap do you?
Mar 9, 2003
Didn't bother reading so I might repeat, Pink Floyd is talented BECAUSE they are from a different music era/generation. For their time they were talented. Personally I don't like their music, but you have to understand it was a different time. Which is one of the reasons why Chuck Berry is so big.


not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
I have never really heard Slayer. A kid I was cool with in High School loved them though and got Slayer tatted on his arm in that scratch mark looking lettering. But then again he listend to a lot of that death metal that sounded like burping for vocals. I wonder what happend to that kid.

Looks like some of us will have to agree to disagree on some bands. But can we all atleast agree that Fall Out Boy is the worst band ever? I mean, come on...
Mar 9, 2003
The bands I can't stand are Tool, Apc, Deftones, Dredg, and Pantera. I remember one time my friend said, "If you like Deftones you'll like Orgy." Fuck that was stupid. I love death metal that sounds like burping vocals, Brutal Death Metal.


not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
Syk0tic said:
The bands I can't stand are Tool, Apc, Deftones, Dredg, and Pantera. I remember one time my friend said, "If you like Deftones you'll like Orgy." Fuck that was stupid. I love death metal that sounds like burping vocals, Brutal Death Metal.
Hmmm well I'll just quote myself...

Nuttkase said:
Looks like some of us will have to agree to disagree on some bands
And you meant Burping Death Metal not Brutal right?:chinese: