Likwid said:
IMO no northern rapper has that much potential to go that mainstream ( MTV BET ) alone or by the hands if 50 cent at this present time ( who knows for the future because they are comin up ). But shit if he approached you with a million dollar deal, you gonna pass on it because mainstream is " fake " ?
i have to disagree here a little... i think a lot of norteno rappers have the potential to succeed in a mainstream environment, but there's a certain stigma in the music industry that makes it incredibly difficult to break out in that fashion. shit, in my personal opinion, i think that the homeboy Woodie is one of the dopest to ever drop and as a lyricist is above 99.99% of cats in the game right now. when Demonz N My Sleep first dropped on Koch in 2001, i believe, i expected to see him blow the fuck up everywhere an i was a little suprised when he didn't, at least not to the degree that i anticipated. the thing is, the mainstream charts are being burned up by club hits and whatnot, and unless you're dropping crossover jams like that, it's hard to get majors to take you seriously. of all hiphop music in America, 65% is purchased by hispanic females between the ages of 14 and 30 (this is true, some of boys DJ at some of the top stations in the central valley and these are the demographics collected by Clear Channel, etc.), so unless you're putting out music to appeal directly to that fan base, you're pretty much strating out with a strike against you.
in a perfect world the music would speak for itself and true talent would be recognized for what it truly is. however, this is not a perfect world, and sadly many truly talented artists are slept on and will probably continue to be slept until a major shift in listening/buying trends change. again, in my opinion, i think that the majority of the stuff i hear on the radio is crap. 50 cent and lil jon and all them ARE NOT THAT TALENTED, but they all have major backing so in spite of everything they are pretty much destined to succeed.
now, as far going as going mainstream is concerned, i don't think that it makes you a sellout. what you do after going mainstream, however, can make you a sellout. if you can maintain and stay true to yourself and what you hope to accomplish, and make some serious skrill at is, then do your thing homie and watch the chips stack up, but, if you switch up your style and burn your bridges to make a buck, then guess what, you've stepped across the line and it's damn near impossible to go back. i'm all for artists signing with someone bigger to get their name out there so that they can eventually branch off and do their own thing, provided they keep it real to the best of their ability in the process. the way i look at it is, when in Rome do as they Romans; when you're in your house, do what the fuck you wanna do