22sleepy415 said:
You gotta' trip though, Spanish is no better than English. They're both European languages. If anything spanish is worse since they Spanish were the ones that first started fucking with the natives over here on the southern part of the continent. Then followed by the English and others who came to the Northern area we now know as the Unites States.
As long as what you're saying has heart then the you're rapping over doesn't matter as much.
I doubt anyone on this really follows their roots and most of us don't even know what our roots are. Plus, most of us have some sort of European blood also so if you must follow your native roots you automatically have to follow that of your European ancestors too.
I say if you can't follow your native roots then grow your own and allow them to be those which your seeds will grow under.
When was the last time any of you spoke your native mayan/aztec (et cetera) language and practiced the rituals that they also did...? That's what I thought.
Ok so Spanish is the language that came out of murder, rape and GENOCIDE. But we have to remember that Spanish is the one thing that could keep us united TODAY. Sure we could try and learn our native dialect, but how many of us will actually do that?
So lets keep our roots alive by educating ourselves in our history that has been oppressed by 500 years of European racial crimes against our people. Make sure you understand what your talking about before you go and write lyrics about the revolution and aztlan.
Many of us feel ashamed to listen to our real music that has indigenous roots in it, because we have been taught by modern europeans society that indigenous roots mean ignorance and shame, but before the genocide We had created and developed magnificence in art and architecture. We had made discoveries in mathematics, geometry, engineering, astronomy, and medicine. We had developed universities (in many ways superior to those of Europe) and libraries, the world's most accurate calendar, one of the great bodies of literature of the world, and one of the greatest and most complex theologies in the history of humanity.
and that’s just one fact, so make sure you educate yourself on this, before you throw your "LA RAZA" flag out in the sky.
And this is not a white hate statement is just another reason why we need to keep our education up to date before we forget who we are.