The Evil Genius said:
And what the fuck u mean that u would say something 2 the serial killer? Gas u a fool nigga. LOL!! Think a lil bit more realistic homie. What u gonna say? " Please Mr. Axe Murderer, stop killing my neighbors".
this is the problem with hypothetical situations. you can twist and bend them to your liking.
i looked up the definition of 'serial killer' and it seems ive known a few in my early age. thats what im speaking of when im talking about speaking to dude. not some mystical magical axe murderer who is unbeknowinst to everyone else some way shape or form (although hes killing people in the apartment complex).
why dosent my other next door nieghbor know about the apartment complex axe murderer? i dont see how it would be a secret if hes killing people in your apartment complex and youre not the only person in it.
my only ideal would be that he told me personally.
if it was a situation where a serial killer made his acts of killing random and innocent people KNOWN TO ME, id pull dude aside, as my neighbor. ..since he personally made it known to me.. what would i say to him? i dont know, thats something i cant answer unless the situation presented itself, you know? more than likely i would tell dude hes a little too hot....and that maybe he shouldnt tell me or anyone else about what he does...sicne were on a "i killed a few people" dont tell people you killed someone unless its like..the only person you trust..
and who said the serial killer is killing my neighbors? thats what i mean..whats up with all this extra information bieng thrown into hypothetical situations? if my neighbors were getting killed i would allow the law enforcement to do their job and id move the fuck out. my shit would be packed real fucking quick, uhaul called, and id be out and CALL my landlord that i broke the lease. you think imma stay and get killed? forensics has made it pretty easy without me telling on my neighbor.
i aint gon' be nextdoor eatin' cheerios with some nigga killin people in my apartment complex and i know it. are yall serious? cam said hed move id do the same god damned thing.
as long as i know im not innocent i wouldnt give a fuck.
but if you make up silly ass situations like "what if the axe murderer chopped a babies head off in front of you than put his finger in front of his lips and looked at you?" i mean..that shit aint never gonna happen. along with seeing children raped. those things would invoke such a personal rage in me that the last thing i wanted to do would be to pick up a phone.