Sergeant Hustle said:
I don't know what you're talking about but people who are PC tend to get on my nerves. Acting like color or race doesn't exist anymore is bullshit.
You might call it bullshit, while others see it as the first step to true equality. As long as you emphasise color barriers everything will always be devided.
Sergeant Hustle said:
You're damn right it does see color...until white kids started listening and corporate America started embracing hip hop for financial gain, it was just ni**er music. Once white people take to something it starts becoming ok. Before that, it's unacceptable and scary.
1. Black people are embracing hip hop for financial gain just as much, if not more than any "WHITE" person in this country.
2. What made hip hop "NIGGER MUSIC" in the first place was white people who were unwilling to accept such a culture into their society. Nothing has changed, these same class of white people still look down on it. It's just that the new age style of rap & hip hop is appealing to a much larger crowd (of kids) where it wasn't before. These kids never thought of it as "NIGGER MUSIC" they just didn't like it, and there is nothing wrong with that. You can't possibly be upset that corporate America has turned gold hip hop albums into quintuple platinum albums.
3. When white people grab ahold of something, it becomes "OK" by who's standards? Teachers, parents, upperclass white people are all still looking down on this culture. Who is it "OK" with now, that it wasn't "OK" with earlier? If your saying white kids, then I'll ask you to show me how it wasn't "OK" with them in the first place.
4. When something appeals to "WHITE" kids it's always going to seem like it's acceptable because look at the number of white kids in America. If they made up for 10% of the country, we would not be having this coversation, but it's almost as if your blaming white people for being so highly populated.
My point is that the same people who thought this was "NIGGER MUSIC" to begin with , still do (white upperclassman, etc.), but white suburban kids were never in this catagory. The music just never appealed to them, and now it does so the shit is flying off the shelves because of the white population in America. What is so bad about hip hop appealing to the white masses. Black people should be smiling not complaining about it like you are.