So last November I met this girl. On the 3rd date we had decided to experiment with blood. We had been texting before hand and she said she always wanted to taste another persons blood, and i said jokingly at first "why don't we do it then?" She said she wanted to and at this point I was drawn in and wanted to try it. We went to her room at night, we cut both of our arms, licked up each others blood, and made out to fuse the blood. I'm not a cutter, i've never cut or done anything like this before and i probably wouldn't do it with any other female. There was something about her that made me comfortable with her blood. It was amazing how it tasted very similar to my own, a kind of metallic taste mind you. After the making out session we fuked for the first time. Our session was the best sex i'd ever had. Something about her blood and my blood in being in our mouths made it extremely carnal in nature. I never felt closer to another person than I did after licking her blood and seeing her lick mine. I seriously thought she would puss out but she went through with it after she saw me lick her arm.
A few weeks later we decided to make each other blood necklaces. She came over to my apartment and we cut both of our thighs. I pressured some blood out of the cuts into a little vial, put a cork on it, and made it into a necklace. She did the same thing and we exchanged them. Unfortunately we aren't dating anymore. The relationship became very rocky and she broke up with me after 8 months. It sucks, but that's life. I still have her blood though. She said she was going to keep my blood, but we started arguing after the breakup and she turned into a psycho crazy bish, So I changed my number and blocked her on facebook. I don't know if she still has the blood necklace and I probably never will, but i'll always treasure her blood. I just have to find a way to explain it to future girlfriends. It should be easy though because for some reason I always get the crazy ones.
Here is a picture of my necklace filled with her blood
A few weeks later we decided to make each other blood necklaces. She came over to my apartment and we cut both of our thighs. I pressured some blood out of the cuts into a little vial, put a cork on it, and made it into a necklace. She did the same thing and we exchanged them. Unfortunately we aren't dating anymore. The relationship became very rocky and she broke up with me after 8 months. It sucks, but that's life. I still have her blood though. She said she was going to keep my blood, but we started arguing after the breakup and she turned into a psycho crazy bish, So I changed my number and blocked her on facebook. I don't know if she still has the blood necklace and I probably never will, but i'll always treasure her blood. I just have to find a way to explain it to future girlfriends. It should be easy though because for some reason I always get the crazy ones.
Here is a picture of my necklace filled with her blood