I support the latest "terror threats" 100%!!!

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Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
BUT, is it OUR responsibility to end the worlds problems?? I don't think it is. We have our own problems to deal with, ya know? Why give billions away to end poverty when we can't even end it HERE?? Besides, how do we know the leaders would spread the wealth to the poverty stricken areas of their countries? Takes a lot of trust, don't ya think?
May 13, 2002
Sydal said:
BUT, is it OUR responsibility to end the worlds problems?? I don't think it is. We have our own problems to deal with, ya know? Why give billions away to end poverty when we can't even end it HERE?? Besides, how do we know the leaders would spread the wealth to the poverty stricken areas of their countries? Takes a lot of trust, don't ya think?
Is it OUR responsibility to control other countries economies, rape their resources and send them into unbelievable debts??? Did you read anything on the link I provided? Do you know anything about the IMF or World Bank???
Dec 25, 2003
We can...it simply isn't profitable. Our government has the capability to give every American a healthcare plan, a roof over their heads, and possibly a job, if not job assistance, but this simply isn't profitable. The government, especially the Republican party, works to defend the bottom line of both the super rich and corporate interests.

Example: Give one way Bush has made a concerted effort to fight poverty. He hasn't. There has been none. That applies to Clinton, Bush 41, Reagan, etc. The major parties, both Republican and Democrat, work in the interests of contributors, and sometimes give small nods to their voting constituency.
May 2, 2002
yes, I too support the bombings of banks in my own country. I support the devistation it would bring about all the people who'd lose love ones, the eventual slump and possible downfall of my country's economy, and the thousands of people who will be out of work as a result of it.

look at me, I want attention!


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
We give a smaller percentage of our income than around 85% of Westernized nations. If we spent the amount on social aid that say, Denmark does, we could end world hunger, slow spread of preventable disease, and shelter and house hundreds of millions.
Nice way to sneak that in there by using the word percentage.

We must not forget, there is nearly 300 MILLION people in the United States. Not just 7 or 20 million like Denmark or Switzerland or whatever mini-country you try to put up against the US.


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
Psycho Logic said:
yes, I too support the bombings of banks in my own country. I support the devistation it would bring about all the people who'd lose love ones, the eventual slump and possible downfall of my country's economy, and the thousands of people who will be out of work as a result of it.

look at me, I want attention!
Oh yeah! well you're just a faggy libby lib liberal and u r a gay and i dont like u and if u dont like this country U CAN LEAVE IT!!!!!!KISS MY ASS :dead:


Sicc OG
Nov 10, 2002
Sydal said:
Other countries should be bowing to their fuckin knees for that shit.
... Yes, bowing to their fucking knees in gratitude for the unimaginably shitty conditions they are forced to live in. Bowing to their fucking knees in gratitude for having to work manufacturing sneakers or footballs on starvation wages from the cradle to the grave. Thank you U.S.A. and other rich countries! Oh, say, can you see...

Some people are seriously confusing cause and effect. It's highly questionable to blame the corruption and mismanagement in third world countries (for creating poverty), when they are a DIRECT RESULT of the real problem -- not the cause of it. This type of "blame the victim" attitude is very imprudent when WE, the rich, industrialized nations, keep the countries poor.

WORLD TRADE continuously impoverishes the poorest countries and keeps them in a state redolent of slavery. It is the poverty and misery that creates civil wars, corruption, brutal wielders of power, etc. Third world studies in general confirm this.

tadou said:
Nice way to sneak that in there by using the word percentage.

We must not forget, there is nearly 300 MILLION people in the United States. Not just 7 or 20 million like Denmark or Switzerland or whatever mini-country you try to put up against the US.
And? The United States has one of the highest GNPs (AND GNP per capita as well) in the world and still, in 2003, its foreign aid was a whopping 0.14% of its GNP whereas for instance Denmark's was close to 0.90%.

Currently, USA's contribution is highest in raw dollars, but a few years ago Japan's was considerably higher, though their population is about 120 million (when compared to the ~300 million of USA). Furthermore, when the US does provide aid, it has usually been according to its own foreign policy objectives. Remember, USA is not the only country that can be criticized for this type of behavior.

Rich nations agreed to give 0.7% of GNP to foreign aid at the UN. Most have failed this obligation. USA IS NOT THE ONLY COUNTRY THAT CAN BE CRITICIZED.
Jul 10, 2002
All violence does is bring more and more pain and destruction. Violence breeds violence, more & more of the same thing. It has been PROVEN throughout history, whether in the urban streets here in the States, or on a global military scale across the globe. Terrorism is not an answer, even when the cause is just, it is not an adequit means to the ends!!!

IMF & World Bank fiscally contribute to much of the economic injustices around the globe. However, the real problem w/ these countries (and this is off the point a little) is that we implement our CIA insurgents insight a coup to overthrow their democratically elected leaders w/ facist political leaders whos fiduciary duties are not to their country, but to themselves & the US...

Back to the topic of this thread @ 2-0-sixx, instead of being angry, lazy, & promoting death & destruction why don't you use that creative & well educated mind of yours to orchestrate a global civil disobedience type protest/boycott on goods and services which have a diresct coorelation to funds provided/distributed by the IMF & WB.

Look at what non-violent civil disobedience did for the Indians w/ Ghandi as a leader in the early 1900's, or for the civil rights movement w/ MLK in the 60's. Sure you'll be marked as a martyr and prolly assinated, but hey if a few eggs have to be crushed for the cause, shouldn't they be from your coop as opposed to someone elses?

Just my opinion...
Dec 25, 2003
lol @ My sneaking anything...I snuck nothing. For those who fail to read closely or pay attention to detail, perhaps the use qualifying nouns is sneaky...but to anyone else the language is plain english. Perhaps if I was stupid, assumptive, and paranoid many things would come off as sneaky, underhanded, or tricky, but I do crazy shit like read, so I can tell the difference between things like "all", "some", or "a percent".


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
^^ Then next time, put out the figures in Billions of dollars, instead of as percentages.

I mean, if Qatar donates 1% of its GDP to foreign aid, of COURSE thats going to make us look like assholes. But you have to consider that Qatar has a population of less than a million, which makes a HUGE difference.
May 13, 2002
Jomodo said:
2-0-sixx, instead of being angry, lazy, & promoting death & destruction why don't you use that creative & well educated mind of yours to orchestrate a global civil disobedience type protest/boycott on goods and services which have a diresct coorelation to funds provided/distributed by the IMF & WB.

Just my opinion...
Please...don't call me lazy, angry and a promoter of death, because that is NOT me. I simply am stating that IF terrorists blew up the IMF and WB and I would NOT GIVE A FUCK. For the second or third time, you do not know what I do on my spare time. You do not know what I am involved in, the shit I do on the streets, protests, marches etc. etc. etc.

If the IMF and WB buildings were blown up, I bet deep, deep down inside you would feel a slight feeling of happiness. I'm just not afraid to admit this.
Dec 25, 2003
tadou said:
^^ Then next time, put out the figures in Billions of dollars, instead of as percentages.

I mean, if Qatar donates 1% of its GDP to foreign aid, of COURSE thats going to make us look like assholes. But you have to consider that Qatar has a population of less than a million, which makes a HUGE difference.
1 percent of their GDP is still 1 percent of their GDP. Their material holdings, no matter how diverse or meager, are still as important to their country as our money is to us. Bible story for you: Pharisee goes to church and donates large amounts of money for all to see. Widow goes to the altar and drops in two shekels, the sum total of her wealth. Jesus says "you see that woman? She gave everything she had. Assuredly she has her reward."

The same goes for the US. We may donate billions, but it is not out of humanitarian goodwill; it is out of obligation. Our money means more to us than the money of most other Westernized nations.


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
^^ Billions of dollars are billions of dollars, friend. Even if we did donate more money, there would be people like you to bitch about where it goes, mentioning faith based organizations and such. You are sickening.
Dec 25, 2003
Many of "them" are...besides tadou, I live my life by a Christian concept. It does not matter what 100 people around you do. What matters is what you do. Besides, when we donate any amount near the leaders of the rest of the world, we can tell people to step up.


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
^^ Any amount, in terms of percentages, or in terms of dollars? Again, you are playing the number game. Not to mention, you talk about people around you, when you JUST EARLIER criticized a whole nation for not doing something comparable to Denmark.

We either are, or aren't the worlds police. We either are or aren't the world's benefactors. You need to make up your mind.

I am poor, go to school and study earnesly, and donate blood every 8 weeks. If that is not enough for ME, then i do not know what is.