It almost feels lame posting it now, but I did save it with ctrl c to stop from the "you are not logged in" error.
AidsFactory said:
But the fact of the matter is I made a thread that didn't involve asking anyone to come in and talk about my daughter or any of that shit.
People make threads on the Siccness inwardly hoping that you do not enter and comment with your bisexual, experimenting with finger in ass, tighty whitey poopy stained, nightmare before christmas meth head self, spouting your constant stream of verbal shit out the rotten hole where your mouth and teeth once lived.
A very serious discussion from my behalf due to every day walks of life.
People dont sit and talk philosophy, ethics, and history with knocks, fiends, and bums. They give them spare change or keep walking. Obviously you got this site fucked up as somehow thinking you on a higher level than a man with on a street corner with a sign of the cross written on his forehead in doodoo, with a blowjob / bootyhole hustle on the side.
Thought it would be funny to bring my daughter into the whole equation.
You thought it would be funny to have a daughter. Like, imagine a fucked up situation, and then put a kid into it! See the comedy! Or maybe you thought her life would be funny to an outsider, like a real life Borat. Maybe you can tape your daughter's life, and sell it as a comedy after you have a few years of footage.
I know I've said alot of shit in a "JOKING MANNER" to alot of people on this board and for some reason I have became disliked for that which don't bug me honestly.
You haven't said alot of shit in a joking manner. You have puked your bullshit onto people who really dont give a fuck in the first place, and secondly would much rather it be gone. Third, the people who may have been interested by what you have to say have been turned off by your constant middle school bullshit that prove nothing other than the fact that you sit at home in your sweatpants furiously masturbating and posting on the Siccness all day where you hope to find a friend.
Most people who are MAN ENOUGH TO HAVE A KID, would completely agree with me on this, but I guess this board is full of a bunch of bitches.
You are the one bitching, defending yourself and the fact that people "arent treating you fair" after spouting constant racist bullshit on a gangsta rap website. Take that shit to Dr. Phil or make some similarly vaginal, pathetic friends at an emo concert. Or maybe you can take pictures of yourself and post them on myspace with captions like "Hate what you wish you were" and "My life is a black spiral of empty hatred", hoping some chubby, acne-faced high school loser bitch will message you and want to be the tagalong of a man who looks like a faggoty John Ritter.
See its just not the same now. This thread is dead.