im dying.
this shit is funny.
today there was a little fight in my class. we took a break from star testing so my teacher stepped out for a minute. this asian dude chris had one of those chalk board ereasers and went up to this little oompa-loompa and acted like he was gonna hit him with it as a job, but he didnt. than this dude eric came up and did the same thing and joke around but the little oompa loompa decided to get tough and pushed him, the kid eric was just laughin but than he realized lil dude was serious so he kinda got him in an arm lock and was like "YOU REALLY WANNA FIGHT ME?" fucking hit him in the head 4 times and laid his ass out. little dude got off the floor and said "your a faggot" and sat down talking about he didnt even feal it because he was so high....shit was comedy, than at the end right before the teacher came back the asian dude wrote on the chalk-board, "Chance(oompa lumpa) got owned!".