i find it funny how alot of fools love oldies but think the new school r&b is gay. to me, it all has the same substance. bobby valentino, pretty p, trey songz... theyre legit.
i'm with you on that but also....
most who say stuff like that in my opinion will in the late 2010's be saying the same about music from now. just takes a few years for the dumb fads and bias to fall out of the memory banks.
I throw my East Side Storys on every night b4 bed. Shit puts me to sleep in like 10 mins, matter of fact vol.7 is bout to go on right now. And yes you are a fucking major faggot if you dont like oldies, and your mom is a fucking 2 dollar whore!
i find it funny how alot of fools love oldies but think the new school r&b is gay. to me, it all has the same substance. bobby valentino, pretty p, trey songz... theyre legit.
I learned to sleep through anything because of this song. My dad would be blaring this shit at like 6 in the morning before work as if we were the only house for a mile or something.