I remember when I was about five - don't remember if it was a dream, my imagination, or real life, but I remember - I was sitting in the toilet taking a shit and a Casper-like ghost appeared near the ceiling and I got scared. The only thing I thought of saying was, "I love you," and it dissapeared.
At this same house, I used to hear a man snoring, but I never tripped off it until now that I'm older. I used to hear a man (could've been a woman, but it sounded deeper, so I say "man") snoring and I would look behind all curtains, on all beds, in closets, and anywhere else a five-year-old would look. Now that I think about it, it could've been a loud-snoring neighbor that lived on the second floor.
When I lived in Stockton with my father, a Vietnamese friend's mother would claim to see ghosts. She said she'd see them on top of tress that were in her backyard. One time she was so shocked, somebody had to call the paramedics 'cause she was cold, couldn't move, and was breathing heavily. It took a while to calm her down.
That same Vietnamese friend had a younger sister. Back when they were in Vietnam, they said they were walking through a forest and they saw a black figure behind them and they both took off running. After a few seconds of running, they felt something hit them behind the head, making them fall and pass out. When they woke up, they had a "bite" mark (or so they thought it was) in the back of their heads. I can't explain how the mark looks, but you can tell something definetely happened to them.
He would also tell me that after all the people killed in the Vietnam War, the place remained haunted.
Where I live at now, I sometimes hear people walk on the roof, but nobody's up there.
My mother's had that heavy-chest, can't move/breathe shit happen to her before. She had been dreaming (or saw) her uncle who passed away a few years ago.
I have an aunt who's into black magic and all that shit. When I was younger, she used to "baby sit" my older sister and I, and she used to tell us her scary stories - had us scared as fuck! She's a very creepy lady, and so is her house.
I basically believe that when you're being "haunted," a spirit is trying to get in touch with you. They're trying to not scare you by moving pots, making noises, but in actuality, people do get scared. If they showed themselves, people would get even more shocked.
Oh, yeah... I was also told that if you nicely ask them to leave, they will.
We all have a sixth sense, but never get to use it since we "don't have time" (or a place) to get in touch with our inner spirit. Once you are able to utilize this sense, you are able to see spirits and communicate with them. Sounds creepy to me because... what if one of them wants to talk to you in the middle of the night and you're not used to seeing them at night? What if you open your eyes and they're looking at you face-to-face and that's the first thing that shocks you when you open your eyes?
My ex-brother-in-law's mother is into metaphysics like that. I've learned a lot from her.