I really do love how when a CD drops, names Ive never seen or rarely do come out the woodwork.
That being said, a case of Problematic Malaria would be greatly appreciated. If not, then im sure itll come around soon enough
fuck u kids saying pm just post a goddam eac of it in the thread pm. pfhhh only leaches idle around only to say PM like birds' sound when the mother is about to feed them
yeah they were actually selling seepage at the concert in hartford ct tonight, bought it for 5 bucks, and pumped it out the system after the concert, sick EP.
IDK if its just cuz I havnt been on the strange board in a sec or as frequent, btu I havnt seen ur name before.. Was this your way of tryin to sound cool and like you dont give a fuck about a leak in hopes youd get a link?