your choice to spend 7000 on a used car, or 1000 on a used car, or 14000 on a brand new car has nothing to do with anything. you will have a payment if you are grown, and thats pretty much that. i mean you can buy a piece of shit for little to nothing and have no payment to a bank, but lots of payments to the mechanic. hahahahahahahah i say go with a car which provides a decent amount of mpg! i would rather see a young man buy a car that is cost effective and gas saving, than to see him buy a 2008 escalade or suburban just for some pussy.
The less he spends on a reliable car the more money he'll have to invest or just spend on other shit. The average American has a car payment of $478. The average American thinks they should always have a car payment. Also the average American is broke and in debt. Buying a 14k car to save money on gas is stupid. With the prices gas are at now will only cost you maybe an extra g a year at the most for gas money that ain't shit for people who can manage their money..........