I forgot I'm on facebook...

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thats just my ghost
Oct 31, 2002
View anyones facebook friends list


change u=4 to u=id number of who you want to see.

The user id is the number which links to the users profile... ie profile.php?id= you need the number because it will not work using name, you have to have the id numbers.

Supposedly this works on all profiles even if they are hidden/private. The resulting list is not pretty but should contain a single line which displays the friends list complete with name and profile links. The friends will be inside of curly braces and separated by commas. The following is an example of what you will see.

for (;;);{"error":0,"errorSummary":"","errorDescription":"","errorIsWarning":false,"payload":{"friends":[{"t":"Chris Hughes","i":5,"u":"http:\/\/www.facebook.com\/ChrisHughes","n":"","it":null}

Don't know if that will be useful for anyone but please enjoy :)

Added bonus... if you have a linux box you can get a formatted list using this command

cyrus@siccness > lynx -useragent=Opera -dump 'http://www.facebook.com/ajax/typeahead_friends.php?u=4&__a=1' |gawk -F'\"t\":\"' -v RS='\",' 'RT{print $NF}' |grep -v '\"n\":\"' |cut -d, -f2

disclaimer: I am not responsible in any way for anything you might do with this information:eek: