Yanks are clearly killing baseball and the media is just now starting to realize it too. AJ Fuckin' Burnett is getting a $16 million/year contract....thats right AJ FUCKIN' BURNETT! dude has only had 1 good year and rest were average, he did outstanding last season because he knew it was a contract year. I dont give a shit if the Yanks win or lose, its the fact that they throw around large contracts like its nothing. Now every mediocre player in the game today will see that if Burnett can get a contract like that they can too! In turn driving up ALL players prices meaning small market teams won't be able to keep their prized players unless they go in the red doing it. The Yankees and about 5 other teams have the abiltiy to go out there and buy up positions that their farm system is lacking, small market teams can't do that! They have to get lucky and draft GREAT and try to plug in a few good players in FA and trades to compete now days. When those players start to show some promise the big market teams just sit back and wait because they know the small market teams can't pay EVERY good player they have. While the Yanks and other teams just lurk in the background waiting to pay them outrageous amounts of money like its nothing.